Washington’s Brand of Crony Capitalist Medicine
Does AARP really speak for the elderly? Or the AMA for doctors?
Does AARP really speak for the elderly? Or the AMA for doctors?
Not if crony interests can stop it. But there are the highly respected ABC codes, which integrative practitioners can start using immediately.
Chelation has long been favored by many integrative doctors. Now conventional cardiologists with vested interests in surgery and drugs are trying (and failing) to trash the study. What a surprise.
A new study shows prescription sleeping pills bring an increased risk of dying early—or getting cancer. So why is FDA rubber-stamping such dangerous drugs?
These vitamins come from a major drug company. Maybe we should conclude that vitamins made by a drug company reduce cancer and others don’t?
Millions rely on compounding pharmacies for natural hormones and other critical drugs. Will we lose them to a congressional/ FDA power play?
Working on a tip from ANH-USA, a reporter discovers internal documents detailing the true motives of the dietetics board. Action Alert!
With campaigns in full swing and a critical election just around the corner (we’ve indicated with an asterisk those legislators who are up for reelection), it’s a good time to review who in Congress have been the real leaders on our issues.
Will another supplement be turned into a drug?
Holistic dentists have been warning the public about them for years. But it’s a huge and extremely lucrative industry—so most dental surgeons are turning a blind eye to the health risks.