90% Of Us Have COVID Pre-Condition

90% Of Us Have COVID Pre-Condition

BPA exposure is making us more susceptible to COVID-19. Action Alert! A new study, published in JAMA Network Open, found that those with the highest level of BPA had a 51 percent higher risk of death from all causes. This is just the latest in a long list of health conditions that are linked with […]

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Bayer/Monsanto Using Courts to Limit Transparency

Bayer/Monsanto Using Courts to Limit Transparency

We all know glyphosate causes cancer: how is Bayer/Monsanto avoiding saying so on their label? Action Alert! Bayer/Monsanto has agreed to pay $10 billion to resolve thousands of lawsuits alleging that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular herbicide Roundup, causes cancer. At the same time, Bayer has used the courts to prevent California from […]

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Think You Are Safe From 5G? Think Again!

Think You Are Safe From 5G? Think Again!

The feds want to extend 5G expansion into small, rural communities. Action Alert! The federal government is working on multiple fronts to make it easier for 5G towers to be installed in rural communities. We must push back against these and other efforts to expand 5G deployment. First, there is a bill in Congress, the […]

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EPA Approves Known Carcinogen

EPA Approves Known Carcinogen

Hint: it’s not glyphosate, but another cancer-causing herbicide. Action Alert! After sidestepping the normal public comment process, the EPA has approved a pesticide called isoxaflutole, which the agency has determined likely causes cancer, to be sprayed in 25 states. Nor is it the first time the agency has flouted the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) to […]

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EPA Makes Pandemic Worse

EPA Makes Pandemic Worse

By kowtowing to industry, agency actions increase the risk of death from the COVID-19 virus. Action Alert! A recent Harvard study found that a small increase in soot air pollution is associated with a 15% increase in the COVID-19 death rate. Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they are waving multiple environmental laws that reduce […]

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Wild Animals Have a Growing Drug Problem

Wild Animals Have a Growing Drug Problem

Drugs are often a danger to human health, but they are also destroying the environment. Action Alert! Many of us are aware of the dangers prescription drugs pose to human health through their side effects, but a new analysis raises the alarm about a problem that doesn’t typically receive a lot of attention: the contamination […]

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The Great Diabetes Lie

The Great Diabetes Lie

Many of us are told that the development of diabetes is a personal failure. New research shows us why this couldn’t be more wrong. Action Alert! Intriguing research into the diabetes epidemic has shed new light on the main drivers behind this disease. Conventional wisdom tells us that sugar consumption, lack of exercise, and obesity […]

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“Flying Blind” with 5G

“Flying Blind” with 5G

Scientists are speaking out about the dangers of 5G, but government agencies are showing no signs of listening. Action Alert! Over the past months, we’ve been documenting the issues surrounding the launch of 5G networks. As we edge closer and closer to a wider rollout of this technology, more information is coming to light demonstrating […]

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