Fungi Could Be Next Big Threat to Human Health

Fungi Could Be Next Big Threat to Human Health

Another class of medically important medicines is in danger of becoming ineffective—and they’re harder to make than antibiotics. Action Alert!   We’ve been telling you about the scourge of antibiotic resistance—when the overuse of antibiotics by doctors and factory farms causes bacteria to become resistant to drugs. Unfortunately, we’re heading down the same road with […]

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BPA-Free, but Not Toxic-Free

Consumers are demanding BPA-free products, but the alternatives are no safer. The word is out about bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical that is commonly used in drinking containers, children’s toys, and other plastic products: it’s been linked to diabetes, asthma, cancer, obesity, and altered prostate and neurological development, among other illnesses. Unfortunately, the alternatives that industry […]

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Are Microwaves Making You Sick?

Are Microwaves Making You Sick?

Some of the latest science says the answer may be “Yes.” Action Alert! Wireless internet, cell phones, and smart meters are ubiquitous in the modern world, but some studies have shown that there is reason to be cautious about exposure to microwave radiation (MWR). The federal government, however, is not only asleep at the wheel; […]

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Is Your Sunscreen Making You Sick?

Is Your Sunscreen Making You Sick?

There’s a good chance that it is. Here are some tips on avoiding nasty chemicals when you’re out in the sun (hint: the FDA won’t help you!). It’s summertime, and lots of us are spending time outdoors. When protecting yourself with sunscreen, though, it’s important to remember that many products on the market contain dangerous […]

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