The Trans Fat Ban that Never Was

The Trans Fat Ban that Never Was

The FDA seems to be waiting for GMO soybeans to be ready before it follows through on its promise to ban the toxic fats. A new study published in the journal Preventing Chronic Disease, available on the CDC’s website, shows that Americans are consuming much more trans fat than they realize. A federal loophole allows food companies […]

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GMO Approval Process FINALLY Being Scrutinized

GMO Approval Process FINALLY Being Scrutinized

At the request of Congress, the FDA’s and USDA’s review process for genetically engineered products is finally coming under scrutiny by the GAO. In 2013, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) wrote to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and asked them to look into the review system being used to regulate genetically modified crops—specifically, “to ensure that […]

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Myth: GMOs are Tightly Regulated

Myth: GMOs are Tightly Regulated

Biotech companies claim that GMO foods are strictly regulated. The reality is that such regulation is either weak or non-existent. No GMO food has ever been certified as safe by the FDA. Biotech companies, not government agencies, conduct research on new GMO crops. The standard for GMO safety is completely arbitrary: GMOs are considered as […]

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Myth: It’s Too Late—GMOs are Here to Stay

Myth: It’s Too Late—GMOs are Here to Stay

Biotech companies would have consumers believe that, like it or not, GMOs are a permanent fixture, and that our food system would simply not work without GMOs. This is nothing more than a myth spread by biotech companies to discourage consumer activists: over 60 countries currently ban the cultivation, importation, or sale of GMO products. […]

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Myth: GMO Technology Results in Critical, Innovative Products

Myth: GMO Technology Results in Critical, Innovative Products

GMO products aren’t as remarkable as biotech companies would have you believe: Biotech companies Monsanto and DuPont sell “trans fat-free” soybeans, an entirely superfluous invention with a “healthy” veneer. GMO Golden Rice is genetically engineered to contain beta-carotene, and is marketed as a way to save malnourished children in developing countries. However, beta-carotene needs to […]

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Myth: GMOs Can Alleviate Global Poverty

Myth: GMOs Can Alleviate Global Poverty

It is often claimed that the presence of GMOs in our food chain decrease costs for citizens and help to alleviate the effects of poverty—that GMOs will feed the world. This is simply not true. • In 2009, the World Bank and the United Nations published a 590- page report concluding that GMOs have no […]

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Myth: GMOs Help Family Farmers and Benefit the Economy

Myth: GMOs Help Family Farmers and Benefit the Economy

While purveyors of this technology, like Monsanto, reap incredible financial rewards, studies indicate that small farmers are being squeezed out of the industry or are forced to be little more than sharecroppers, perpetually in debt to the large companies that hold their crops hostage: • In 2013, Monsanto sued 500 farmers for patent violations. Farmers […]

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