Washington’s I-522 Initiative: Foes of GMO Labeling Are Running Scared
Let’s keep up the momentum! Here’s what’s next for GMO labeling.
Let’s keep up the momentum! Here’s what’s next for GMO labeling.
Washington State’s GMO labeling initiative goes to the vote TODAY. Show your support by sharing our new video on GMOs and increased herbicide use. Action Alert!
We’re at the tipping point on GMO labeling. You can help us win the battle—Action Alert!
Thanks to your activism, the controversial provision was removed from the government funding bill that was signed into law last week.
Nothing. Not a single dime, notwithstanding the false claims being made. Action Alert!
Help us put an end to this underhanded end-run around the courts once and for all. Urgent Action Alert!
The number of children on Medicaid taking antipsychotic drugs has tripled in just ten years—and shockingly, many of them are under the age of three.
Yesterday, Connecticut passed a law requiring foods with genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled—and it’s all thanks to your grassroots activism!
A new bill could overturn the egregious law right away. Action Alert!
We now need to keep the pressure up on USDA not to slip more dangerous products through without review. Action Alerts!