Big Pharma Crony May Head FDA

Big Pharma Crony May Head FDA

Dr. Robert Califf, who has documented ties to the pharmaceutical industry, has been nominated to head the agency. We must oppose it. Action Alert! The Biden administration is currently vetting former FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD to once again head the agency. He first became FDA Commissioner in 2016 and was in the role for […]

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Tap Water Threatens Pregnant Women, Children

Tap Water Threatens Pregnant Women, Children

Pregnant women are exposing their unborn children to dangerous chemicals in tap water that lead to neurodegenerative effects. Action Alert! Dozens of studies show a relationship between prenatal exposure to chemicals found in tap water and negative health effects for children. Contaminants vary by location but the problem is ubiquitous throughout our country’s water systems. […]

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Do Vaccines Prevent COVID Cases?

Do Vaccines Prevent COVID Cases?

A new study suggests they don’t—yet we’re pressing forward with vaccine mandates anyway. Vaccination is an emotional and controversial issue, but we must look at the facts and keep things in perspective. A recent study looked at the relationship between the percentage of the population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries, including […]

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Whistleblowers Expose EPA Corruption

Whistleblowers Expose EPA Corruption

How senior Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials side with industry and expose us to dangerous, cancer-causing chemicals. EPA whistleblower allegations documented by The Intercept tell an astounding story of the lengths to which senior EPA officials go to ensure that chemicals, no matter how dangerous, get approved for use in the US despite warnings from […]

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The COVID Wildfire Link

The COVID Wildfire Link

Wildfires increase risk of serious reactions to COVID. Guest author Dr. Lyn Patrick explains what you can do about it. Content from the following article was previously published by the author as a Blog Series at: Smoke from wildfires blanketing the West Coast in the last two years have caused some of the planet’s worst air […]

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FDA Expands Supplement Attack, Targets Hemp Oil

FDA Expands Supplement Attack, Targets Hemp Oil

The FDA is signaling a change in how supplements are regulated that threatens not just hemp oil, but the entire industry. The FDA recently rejected two “new supplement” notifications for full spectrum hemp oil products. Previously the agency targeted CBD oil, stating that CBD is not a dietary supplement. These new actions are extremely concerning […]

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Feds Attack Medical “Disinformation”

Feds Attack Medical “Disinformation”

The government wants to decide what information you can see during COVID and beyond. Action Alert! A recently-introduced bill in Congress would amend the law to make companies like Facebook and Twitter legally liable for promoting “health misinformation” during a declared public health emergency—a term which will be defined by the government. This is a […]

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Ivermectin: Crony Capitalist Case Study

Ivermectin: Crony Capitalist Case Study

Ivermectin has shown tremendous promise in the fight against COVID-19, but governments around the world attack and discredit those who promote its use. “Why is the FDA attacking a safe, effective drug?” asks a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. Despite dozens of studies demonstrating the promise of ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19, […]

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FDA Overreach on Hold, Temporarily

FDA Overreach on Hold, Temporarily

The FDA has delayed implementation of a bad rule that will limit access to customized medicines like bioidentical estriol and progesterone that millions of women rely on. The FDA recently announced that it will extend by one year — to October 27, 2022 — the date on which it will begin enforcement of the Memorandum […]

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