Help End the Government’s Shameful Silence About Vitamin D—the Natural Way to Prevent and Treat Flu Including Swine Flu!

With hundreds of thousands of seasonal flu-related complications, more than 35,000 deaths from the flu, and countless more from the H1N1 flu expected this season, ANH-USA asks the obvious question: What are the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Health and Human Services (HHS) doing about it? The answer: Not much!

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Drug Ads

According to Nielsen Media Research, spending on direct-to-consumer drug ads reached $5 billion in 2008, with every American seeing up to 16 hours of these commercials on television each year. A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine warns how direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising escalates the cost of prescription drugs.

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FDA Misses Own Deadline

Over the past year, Pulse of Health Freedom has focused on safety concerns regarding bisphenol A (BPA) and the FDA’s puzzling about-face on this issue. In February 2009 the American Association for Health Freedom filed a petition with the FDA, asking that it rule on the practice of giving children BPA in the form of dental sealants and composite fillings. But according to the Journal Sentinel, the FDA requested more time so its scientists could consider hundreds of new studies on the effects of this chemical.

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EMRs Don’t Reduce Healthcare Costs

President Obama insists that electronic medical records will help cut healthcare costs, and as part of the February 2009 economic stimulus bill, Congress has offered $19 billion in incentives to adopt them. But Sue Blevins of the Institute for Health Freedom has continually warned that EMRs could endanger privacy and freedom of choice.

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Dangers of Bisphenol A/BPA Well-Established

Three recent studies fuel criticism already scorching the FDA for its failure to respond to the petition by AAHF/ANH-USA regarding exposure of children to bisphenol A/BPA. Research by the University of Rochester, published in the Journal of Andrology, found that males exposed to phthalates — found in dental sealants, composite fillings, soft plastic water bottles, […]

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Privacy, Science at Risk

In 2006, then President George W. Bush signed into law the dietary supplement and OTC bill dealing with reporting on adverse events. Now, the French food safety agency, AFSSA (Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments), has launched a program to monitor the consumption of dietary supplements and any adverse events.

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