Soda Blocks Brain Repair

Soda Blocks Brain Repair

Please don’t give your child sugar after a brain injury. This definitely includes the fructose in a soda. Action Alert! New evidence shows that processed sugars prevent the brain’s ability to heal after head trauma. As Dr. Russell Blaylock reported in his December 2015 Blaylock Wellness Report, laboratory rats were trained for five days to […]

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More Poisonous than Glyphosate….

More Poisonous than Glyphosate….

Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini has now found that other, supposedly “inert,” ingredients associated with Roundup are even more dangerous than its primary toxin. Action Alert! For many months, we at ANH-USA have been telling you about the wide spectrum of negative health effects that are linked to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. Last year, […]

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Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

The FDA is about to complete the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys—unless we respond in force. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA made available a draft environmental assessment predicting that the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Key Haven, Florida, would have “no significant impact”—which means that the approval for […]

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The Eight Biggest (Sneakiest) Threats To Your Health

The Eight Biggest (Sneakiest) Threats To Your Health

Some of these are things you can change today. Others will need work from all of us. [listly id=”14q0″ layout=”slideshow” per_page=”1″ show_item_tabs=”false” show_item_search=”false” show_item_filter=”false” show_item_sort=”false” show_list_description=”false” show_author=”false” show_list_title=”false” show_list_stats=”false” show_list_badges=”false” show_list_headline=”false”] Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health: More Poisonous than Glyphosate…. Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released “VAXXED” Film Axed

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Wood Pulp in Your Cheese?

Wood Pulp in Your Cheese?

That’s what the Feds are finding in Big Food cheese products. These are the same regulators that want to eliminate artisanal cheese. Action Alert! A recent Bloomberg News investigation reveals massive deception in the labeling of Big Food’s parmesan cheese products. The report details how Big Food companies are using cellulose, an anti-clumping agent made […]

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NTA: We Need Your Help!

Related article: Cronyism is Putting Diabetic Patients at Risk Trouble Taking Action? Click here. [advanced_iframe securitykey=”6e57147c0272690f2f93432c343c720bbd534446″ src=”″ id=”iframe2615″ name=”iframe2615″ width=”100%” height=”1500″ ]

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Bad Trade Deal Gets Worse

Bad Trade Deal Gets Worse

An underhanded maneuver could make the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) even worse than it was originally. Action Alert! The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) picked up on an almost imperceptible but vitally important change in the TPP text. It was widely understood that the text had been completed and finally made public after years of hyper-secrecy when […]

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Crony FDA Chief Approved by Senate

Crony FDA Chief Approved by Senate

Do your senators support crony medicine? Last week, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve the nomination of Dr. Robert Califf as FDA Commissioner. The final tally was 89 “yea” votes, seven abstentions—and only four “no” votes. The four were Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Ed Markey (D-MA). Presidential candidates Ted […]

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