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It’s short—only fourteen questions—and shouldn’t take you more than three minutes to complete. We want to learn as much as we can about what we can do for you. (You could also win a prize!)
You won’t believe this, but Senator Durbin has actually reintroduced his disastrous anti-supplement bill! Urgent Action Alert!
The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) is seeking talented applicants for its Communications Internship.
The reworked version of the bill is nearly four times longer— and is even more of a threat to your access to bioidentical hormones, non-standard thyroid medications, and other compounded medications that millions of people rely on. Action Alert!
The American Medical Association “recommends” the fees for all medical procedures. Action Alert!
Here is the “smoking gun”—the proof of what we have been suspecting. Action Alert!
Dr. Offit says yes. Our experts say no. Here’s why.
Until July 20, this important film is being streamed–free–over the internet by Dr. Burzynski’s allies. Simply click the link above to start watching!
A controversial bill concerning compounded drugs is little more than a smokescreen for a power grab by the pharmaceutical industry
Judges rule that excerpts from scientific medical journal articles can be used in advertising and promotional materials, protected by the First Amendment and New York state law.