Breaking News: Outrageous New Attack on Dr. Burzynski—New Action Alert!
The pioneering cancer doctor a target once again. But you can help stop the attack.
The pioneering cancer doctor a target once again. But you can help stop the attack.
They call our statements “erroneous,” “ridiculous,” “untruths,” “falsehoods,” and “outright lies,” but refuse to address even one of our “wild accusations.” They want to call us liars? Let them prove it!
FDA’s disastrous supplement guidance, which threatens thousands of supplements, would be greatly improved by a new bill in the House. But it isn’t enough.
You may have heard that the USDA awarded a hefty research grant to AquaBounty, the “Frankenfish” creator. But there is more to the story….
Join ANH-USA and the Natural Health Alliance Foundation in a nationwide event to raise money for integrative medicine research—and to find real cures for breast cancer and other devastating diseases!
Registered Dietitians are tired of their organization being financed by the junk food industry and Big Pharma. Now they’re starting to speak out.
The senator’s latest volley failed, but we can expect him to introduce something similar at the next opportunity.
It’s an odd world when those that we entrust with our health—the medical establishment—are so resistant to supporting health in the way intended by nature.
Since he’s having trouble getting his own bill passed, he’s trying a different approach to get the same results. New Action Alert!
Only 38 more days to tell FDA and Congress that the proposed rules for supplements could lead to the elimination of thousands of supplements and make the surviving ones much more expensive.