FDA Accuses Supplement Manufacturers of…Selling Drugs?
Misleading claims vs. legitimate science—getting to the truth can be a minefield! Which is why the Free Speech about Science Act is so important.
Misleading claims vs. legitimate science—getting to the truth can be a minefield! Which is why the Free Speech about Science Act is so important.
The communications director for the third-largest pork producer in the country has co-sponsored legislation to keep cameras out of his CAFO. You’d think he had something to hide. A state-based Action Alert.
Drinking water that catches fire? Radioactive rainwater? You got the Senate to reintroduce the FRAC Act to close the Halliburton Loophole—now help it become law! Make the drilling companies accountable—an Action Alert.
These programs help pay for CAM treatments not covered by regular insurance. A new bill restores them—but further amendment is needed. Help Congress get this right!
The ADA is clever. It gets legislation passed under the radar, when no one is looking. And natural health nutritionists are getting a rotten deal.
An Amish farmer is in trouble for distributing raw milk in interstate commerce. If the Leahy bill passes, raw milk “desperados” like him could go to jail for ten years!
Leading up to the 2012 election, ANH-USA will reach out to all candidates running for president and ask them real questions about natural health and where they stand on issues that are important to ANH-USA members. Our first interviewee asks, “Where is the profit in healthy people?”—a question that goes to the heart of many of our current health problems.
Next week, committee members of Codex, the UN-sponsored would-be global regulator, will be reviewing guidelines for genetically engineered (GE) foods. The US delegation to the committee says—surprise—that no labeling is needed! An URGENT new Action Alert – the deadline to send comments is TODAY.
The USDA has started a disgraceful new program that makes it even easier for genetically engineered organisms to become deregulated—by having the corporations themselves provide all the documentation and analysis! A new Action Alert.
The Federal Trade Commission has recently created new and arbitrary requirements for ANY food or dietary supplement health-related claim—and is enforcing them—in direct violation of federal law. Help us fight this new censorship of science all the way by taking action to support our Citizen Petition!