Optimizing Surgical Recovery

A 2009 analysis of AHRQ (Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality) delivered a mind-boggling stat. The average American who lives to the age of 85 will undergo 9.2 surgeries within their lifetime. Yikes, I have a lot of catching up to do as does my 81-year-old mother. However, it was an October 26, 2010 Wall […]

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Action Alert: Tell FDA to Keep Its Hands Off Doctor-Supervised Prescription Chelation for Heart Health

We are not currently sending messages to Congress while members are campaigning. Messages to Congress during recesses—much less campaigns—are largely ignored. During these few weeks, we will still be sending messages to regulatory agencies. In light of the FDA’s recent action against non-prescription chelators and an earlier attack on prescription chelators for the heart, today’s Action Alert is an important one. Please take a moment to read it and respond.

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