Readers Corner: ANH-USA’s Connections and Position on World Government
We’ve received some questions from a couple of our readers recently about some rumors that have been flying around the internet. Here is one:
We’ve received some questions from a couple of our readers recently about some rumors that have been flying around the internet. Here is one:
Last Friday, your voice was heard in Congress. Thanks to your activism, the provision to expand the Federal Trade Commission’s powers—and with it, the likely restricted access to nutritional supplements—did not make it into the final Wall Street “Reform” bill.
ANH–USA has opposed the so-called Food Safety Bill as a threat to natural health and health freedom. As we reported to you in April, we have been working to improve the Senate’s version of the bill. In particular, we succeeded in preventing language that would have committed the US to harmonization of food standards with the rest of the world under a completely flawed process known as CODEX. Now we need your help to promote two excellent amendments to the bill that would exempt small food producers and producers who sell their food directly to market (such as farmers’ markets) from new regulation.
ANH–USA strongly opposed the recently enacted healthcare bill for a variety of reasons. We stand for the freedom of consumers to choose the type of healthcare they want, and the freedom of practitioners to practice without harassment. The healthcare reform act seriously impinges on both. So after a thorough review of our legal options, which took some time, we have decided to join a lawsuit that has been initiated by a distinguished group of physicians to have the act repealed.
We’re number one. But that is not good news because the U.S. is number one in the world for medical radiation. Yes, that’s right that Americans get the most medical radiation exposure in the world. It is increasingly known that one of the most common and insidious ways Americans are over-tested and over-treated is the use of diagnostic tests that involve the use of medical radiation.
A high-profile legal battle over genetically modified crops continues. The US Supreme Court in a 7-1 decision yesterday (June 21) did not accept a lower court’s total nationwide ban on GM alfalfa. But it did agree that the seeds could be dangerous and did not allow Monsanto to proceed with selling them. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) must now complete a study examining whether the seeds will harm the environment before approving them for restricted planting, a process that could go into next year, and which could lead to more litigation.
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) wants to create a monopoly on state nutritional licensure. This organization—which lists among its corporate sponsors soft drink giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, cereal manufacturers General Mills and Kellogg’s, candy maker Mars, and Unilever, the multinational corporation that owns many of the world’s consumer products brands in foods and beverages—already has a stranglehold on who can dispense nutritional counseling at the state level.
This week we discuss several ways prescription drugs may be making us all sicker—whether through illnesses brought on because these medicines deplete critical nutrients in our body, or because we’re unwittingly consuming pharmaceuticals in the municipal water we drink.
According to a major international study just published in the International Journal of Epidemiology “using a cell phone seems to protect against two types of brain tumor.” Let that sink in for just a moment and then learn that even the researchers behind the study, funded in part by the cell phone industry, did not believe their results. Which prompts many of us to ask the question “can we count on the studies, the gold standard of double-blind placebo controlled randomized clinical trials”?
The chickens you buy at the grocery store are given feed with arsenic added to make them gain weight faster. Yes, arsenic—the deadly poison and carcinogen. A petition had been filed with the FDA to remove arsenic from animal feed and the FDA had until June 15th to respond. ANH-USA forwarded the thousands of comments our readers submitted in support of the arsenic ban to the FDA. Thank you all for taking action!