Just How Broken is the FDA?
The reexamination of a knee device and a campaign to extend the patent of a blood-thinning medication underscore the need for FDA reform.
The reexamination of a knee device and a campaign to extend the patent of a blood-thinning medication underscore the need for FDA reform.
This landmark legislation enables the natural health products community to share peer-reviewed scientific findings about natural health products with the public. Take Action Today. Help Us Gain Cosponsors for the Free Speech About Science Act, H.R. 4913!
Evidence mounts that many of the procedures that constitute the current “standard of care” fail to promote health, are unnecessary and may put patients at greater risk. These risks increase with a standardized, one-size-fits-all form of monopoly medicine.
For 500 years, scientists have thought that we can tolerate a tiny bit of almost any type of poison. True?
There is a great deal of confusion on Capitol Hill and on the internet about the status of Senator McCain’s mis-named Dietary Supplement Safety Act, the anti-supplements bill. ANH-USA sets the record straight.
After months of negotiating and back-door dealing, Congress is set to pass industry-friendly healthcare legislation at the expense of consumer choice. Please contact your elected representative today and tell him or her to vote NO on the healthcare bill!
To those with traumatic brain injuries, Dr. Paul Harch offers proof of therapeutic results.
As we explained last week, we have made tremendous progress on this bill, thanks to your efforts. But the story is not yet over. Let’s all make a final push to be sure this bill goes where it belongs: into the dustbin.
Internet rumors are serving to confuse. Why it’s so important to have your facts straight when communicating with elected representatives.
Your health information is at stake. Take action today to protect YOUR privacy.