Forbes: Vitamins “Quackery” — The Same Old Discredited Studies Are Hauled Out

It’s silly, to tell the truth.  Every so often, a major news outlet will publish an article to discourage people from taking vitamin supplements.  The articles cite a by now familiar group of very badly designed and probably intentionally biased medical studies that are quoted because of their anti-supplement results.  Sometimes the same old bogus […]

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FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid Millions Depend On

We have learned that Time-Cap Labs, producer of a generic version of the brand name drug Armour, a natural and bioidentical thyroid replacement, has been ordered by the FDA to stop production. The FDA has decided to classify the company’s product, available for over a century, as an unapproved new drug.  Since the new drug […]

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Alert! Food Safety Bill Bad for Supplements (Ties U.S. to Codex) and Gives FDA Control Over Farming

The Senate’s “Food Safety” bill is better than the House’s in some important respects. For example, it drops the draconian jail sentences and fines for vague infractions including paperwork errors. But it includes a Codex provision that absolutely must be removed by amendment in order to protect free choice about supplements. Please take action to […]

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Thank you for telling the FDA that transparency matters to you!

Thank you to our 801 advocates who used AAHF’s Action Center to submit comments in response to Docket Number FDA-200-N-0247, letting the Food and Drug Administration’s Transparency Task Force know that you support increased transparency at the FDA. On August 6, AAHF proudly hand-delivered 801 letters to the FDA’s Division of Docket Management. These comments […]

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Why has America not won the war on cancer? They say it is our fault!

An eye-opening article on the New York Times’ front page August 3, “Lack of Study Volunteers Hobbles Cancer Fight,” stated that just 3 percent of adult cancer patients participate in cancer-drug clinical trials. It also revealed that more than one in five trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute fail to enroll a single subject with […]

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In 2007, complementary/alternative medicine accounted for 1.5 percent of all U.S. healthcare costs

Americans are voting with their pocketbooks. Although complementary and alternative medicine accounted for just 1.5 percent of all U.S. healthcare costs in 2007, Americans spent $33.9 billion out of pocket on CAM, 11.2 percent of all payments for healthcare. This sum is dwarfed by the $286.6 billion paid out of pocket for conventional medicine.

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