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FDA Authorizes Pfizer COVID Booster for Kids Ages 5 to 11

FDA Authorizes Pfizer COVID Booster for Kids Ages 5 to 11
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…without bothering to convene a committee of independent experts.

This past Tuesday, the FDA authorized a third shot of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for children ages 5-11. The agency stated that the protection provided by two shots of the vaccine wanes over time, and that the benefits outweigh the risks for a third shot.

Notably, the FDA did not convene its committee to discuss new trial data before authorizing the third dose. According to CNBC, “some committee members have grown frustrated that the drug regulator has repeatedly moved ahead with decisions on booster doses without holding open public discussions.”

We’ve argued that the drive to vaccinate children against COVID is fueled by a desire to eventually get an annual COVID shot approved as part of the CDC’s recommended childhood schedule. If COVID vaccines are added to the childhood immunization schedule, it means billions in sales for vaccine manufacturers and complete liability protection for when children or adults are harmed by the vaccines. Note that liability protection for COVID vaccines will go away when the Health Department determines there is no longer a public health emergency; vaccines on the CDC’s schedule are permanently protected from liability.

It is interesting that the FDA says the benefits outweigh the risks for the third shot, because children in this age group have very little risk of serious COVID disease. On the other hand, according to the CDC, 40 percent of kids aged 5-11 experienced a “systemic” reaction to COVID vaccines which include, fatigue, headaches, and injection site pain.

All of this shows that the case for vaccinating children against COVID is dubious, since it offers little protection to a disease that, overall, does not threaten children nearly as much as other age groups. So why are government regulators pressing forward anyway? The only reasonable explanation, to us, is to move toward getting annual, required COVID shots for young children, which would be a tremendous boon for Big Pharma. It is crony medicine at its finest: special interests using the power and clout of the federal government to guarantee massive vaccine sales, all while being shielded from the responsibility of paying for the damage their products cause. It’s a crony win-win.

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