Feds Taking Kombucha Off Shelves?

Feds Taking Kombucha Off Shelves?

No, we’re not kidding. Help us stop this unwarranted attack. Action Alert!  The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, a division of the US Treasury Department, recently sent letters to several producers of kombucha, warning them that since their beverages supposedly exceeded the allowable alcohol limit, they must be labeled as alcoholic beverages and […]

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Natural Health News Briefs: October 6, 2015

Natural Health News Briefs: October 6, 2015

“Resistant” Head Lice in Children Increasingly Hard to Kill New research shows that lice in at least twenty-five states have become resistant to conventional, over-the-counter medications, just as kids go back to school this fall. When the first lice treatment doesn’t work, parents are shampooing their children again and again. This is particularly dangerous considering […]

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Natural Health News Briefs: October 6, 2015

Natural Health News Briefs: October 6, 2015

“Resistant” Head Lice in Children Increasingly Hard to Kill New research shows that lice in at least twenty-five states have become resistant to conventional, over-the-counter medications, just as kids go back to school this fall. When the first lice treatment doesn’t work, parents are shampooing their children again and again. This is particularly dangerous considering […]

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Pediatricians Sponsored by Coca-Cola

Pediatricians Sponsored by Coca-Cola

Recently released documents show that Coca-Cola has given the American Academy of Pediatrics nearly $3 million over the past six years. The junk food beverage giant is, in fact, the only “gold” sponsor on the group’s HealthyChildren.org website. In a truly astonishing statement, the AAP goes so far as to write on its website that […]

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Pediatricians Sponsored by Coca-Cola

Pediatricians Sponsored by Coca-Cola

Recently released documents show that Coca-Cola has given the American Academy of Pediatrics nearly $3 million over the past six years. The junk food beverage giant is, in fact, the only “gold” sponsor on the group’s HealthyChildren.org website. In a truly astonishing statement, the AAP goes so far as to write on its website that […]

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Is Raw Milk Cheese About To Get The Axe?

Is Raw Milk Cheese About To Get The Axe?

Help us protect the best tasting and healthiest cheese from a spurious new FDA attack. Action Alert! George W. Bush’s FDA banned the import of the finest French artisanal cheeses, which are usually made from raw milk that has been cultured with special bacteria, and then aged, which makes it even safer. This ban just happened […]

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Whom Do You Trust? Mom Bloggers? Scientists?

Whom Do You Trust? Mom Bloggers? Scientists?

Unfortunately, the information you get from either group may be paid for by Monsanto. Action Alert! Major news outlets reported this week that emails released through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests prove for certain what many of us already knew: Monsanto has enlisted “independent” scientists to deliver their messaging for them, in an effort […]

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Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Crony science is on full display in the new partnership between the giant beverage company and a nonprofit looking to exonerate junk food in the obesity debate. The New York Times reports that Coca-Cola is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit organization that is trying to promote a peculiar solution to the obesity crisis. […]

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