LabCorp To Allow Patients to Order Tests Online

LabCorp To Allow Patients to Order Tests Online

This is bigger news than it might seem: advanced testing is one of the pillars of natural health and integrated medicine, along with diet, supplements, and lifestyle. Action Alert! Regular readers will remember our coverage of Theranos, a biotech company that offers diagnostic tests to consumers at (as of now) select Walgreens stores, without a […]

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Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon

Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon

A new bill to let food producers decide whether to label GMOs could prevent states from passing mandatory labeling laws. It’s expected to be introduced in the next few weeks—so we need to dissuade potential co-sponsors now! Action Alert! At the behest of the Monsantos and Cargills of the world, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) is expected […]

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GMO Roundup

GMO Roundup

The GMO labeling issue is seeing some action on Capitol Hill. Maybe that’s because GMOs are in the news across the country. Here are some of the stories you may have missed. Monsanto Settles with US Wheat Farmers Monsanto has settled class-action lawsuits with farmers in seven states over 2013 contamination from their genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” […]

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Will We Allow Big Pharma to Patent and Control Natural Products?

Will We Allow Big Pharma to Patent and Control Natural Products?

Behind the scenes, the pharmaceutical and biotech industries are trying to change the law—to benefit no one but themselves. Major Action Alert! Big Pharma in general—and biotech in particular—are having trouble coming up with new-to-nature molecules they can successfully patent and turn into blockbuster medicines. They know the healing power of natural substances. But natural substances […]

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Which Supplement Companies Are Recommended by Experts?

Which Supplement Companies Are Recommended by Experts?

In September we offered a list of supplement companies recommended by the experts. Our readers responded with their suggestions, and after further research we have expanded our list. If readers have further thoughts and suggestions, please continue sending them in! All companies listed are high quality supplement producers and known for their manufacturing standards, testing, and […]

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