TPP Deal Finally Revealed

TPP Deal Finally Revealed

Details of the long-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership are public at last: it will undermine the safety of our food supply, make medicine more expensive, and give power to the biotech monopoly. Action Alert! A few weeks ago, the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal was finally released after many years of closed-door negotiations […]

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“Agent Orange” Herbicide Pulled by EPA

“Agent Orange” Herbicide Pulled by EPA

After initially receiving the agency’s rubber stamp, a dangerous pesticide has been removed, at least temporarily, from the market. Following a lawsuit filed by a coalition of groups led by the Center for Food Safety and Earthjustice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that it is revoking the registration of Enlist Duo, a combination […]

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Plan for an End Run around GMO Labeling  

Plan for an End Run around GMO Labeling  

This would be a behind-the-scenes move by Sen. Stabenow. We also discuss GMO corruption of journalists, “Frankenfish” approval, a new Chinese cloning facility, and EPA corruption. Action Alerts! Rider Will Thwart State GMO Laws The House of Representatives has approved the so-called “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015,” otherwise known as the “Deny […]

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OPED— Questions of GMO Safety Miss the Larger Point

OPED— Questions of GMO Safety Miss the Larger Point

Proponents of genetically engineered (GE) crops maintain the dogmatic stance on two issues: that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are safe, and that the science is “settled.” Actual scientific research, however, tells a vastly different story. The use of GE crops has led to a drastic increase in the use of glyphosate and other pesticides. On […]

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Are GMOs a “Natural” Food?

Are GMOs a “Natural” Food?

The FDA may think so. Action Alert! Last week, the FDA announced that it would be accepting public input on how—or whether—to define the term “natural” on food labels. This action came about as a result of a number of petitions filed by the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) and Consumers Union. The GMA asked the […]

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Whom Do You Trust? Mom Bloggers? Scientists?

Whom Do You Trust? Mom Bloggers? Scientists?

Unfortunately, the information you get from either group may be paid for by Monsanto. Action Alert! Major news outlets reported this week that emails released through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests prove for certain what many of us already knew: Monsanto has enlisted “independent” scientists to deliver their messaging for them, in an effort […]

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Myth: It’s Scientific Fact that GMOs Are Perfectly Safe

Myth: It’s Scientific Fact that GMOs Are Perfectly Safe

The biotech industry says, “Trust us, GMO are perfectly safe!” But let’s look at the evidence: Most studies on GMOs have been conducted by the same biotech companies selling them. It’s difficult to get the actual raw data for independent testing, since most biotech companies aggressively block independent studies. The few independent studies that do […]

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Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Crony science is on full display in the new partnership between the giant beverage company and a nonprofit looking to exonerate junk food in the obesity debate. The New York Times reports that Coca-Cola is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit organization that is trying to promote a peculiar solution to the obesity crisis. […]

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