Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

Frankenmosquitoes About to Be Released

The FDA is about to complete the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys—unless we respond in force. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA made available a draft environmental assessment predicting that the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Key Haven, Florida, would have “no significant impact”—which means that the approval for […]

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Final Hour for GMO Legislation

Final Hour for GMO Legislation

At any minute the worst GMO bill could pass the Senate. Please contact your senators IMMEDIATELY!  Urgent Action Alert! Recently we told you about a new bill from Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) that would make the labeling of genetically modified foods voluntary. This bill is seemingly on the fast track—it was approved by the Senate […]

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GMO Labeling: Last Chance to Know What’s in Your Food?

GMO Labeling: Last Chance to Know What’s in Your Food?

Congress, spurred on by special interests, is about to approve voluntary labeling legislation designed to avoid real, mandatory GMO labeling. We need more messages to stop it. Action Alert! Last week the Senate Agriculture Committee approved the voluntary GMO labeling legislation introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)—which means we are very close to voluntary labeling […]

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Bad Trade Deal Gets Worse

Bad Trade Deal Gets Worse

An underhanded maneuver could make the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) even worse than it was originally. Action Alert! The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) picked up on an almost imperceptible but vitally important change in the TPP text. It was widely understood that the text had been completed and finally made public after years of hyper-secrecy when […]

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URGENT—Bad GMO Bill on Fast Track

URGENT—Bad GMO Bill on Fast Track

The plan appears to be to rush Sen. Pat Roberts’ voluntary GMO labeling legislation through Congress before opposition can form. We may only have days to stop it. Urgent Action Alert!  Last week, we reported that another voluntary labeling bill in the Senate was in the works, introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS). Last Friday […]

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New Study: GMO Crop Contamination Spreading

New Study: GMO Crop Contamination Spreading

…plus other GMO updates. Federal and State-based Action Alerts! A recent USDA report acknowledging the spread of genetically engineered alfalfa into the wild is just further proof of what natural health advocates have known for a long time: that genetically engineered crops cannot “coexist” with traditional, organic agriculture. The report details the findings of a USDA […]

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They Knew from the Beginning…

They Knew from the Beginning…

…That GMOs weren’t safe. State-based Action Alerts!  A new study from GMO researcher and molecular biologist Gilles-Éric Séralini, PhD, shows that the first commercialized genetically modified crop in 1996 may have been toxic to farm animals—but the evidence was swept under the rug. You may recall that Dr. Séralini recently won two court cases against […]

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ANH Wall of Shame & Fame

ANH Wall of Shame & Fame

The good and bad health and food policies that we live with come about as the result of the efforts by individuals, special interest groups, policymakers and agencies pursuing agendas that either support or erode access to natural health. This is a list of some of the best and worst actors on these issues (click […]

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Big Food Wants to Sneak a BAN on Mandatory GMO Labeling into the Budget Bill!

Big Food Wants to Sneak a BAN on Mandatory GMO Labeling into the Budget Bill!

Some in Congress are fighting this dangerous rider, but to be successful, they need citizens to flood their legislators with angry letters! Action Alert! Last week saw further developments in Congress regarding GMO labeling. Five prominent Democrats in the Senate—Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT)—publicly […]

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GMO Fraud Revealed

GMO Fraud Revealed

A French court has found that fraud and defamation were employed to discredit a study linking GMOs to cancer in rats. Dr. Gilles-Éric Séralini, a French molecular biologist who studies the health effects of GMOs, recently won two court cases against those who had sought to ruin his reputation after he published a study that […]

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