Fight Healthcare Monopolies

Fight Healthcare Monopolies Current Issues: Reform FDA – Please Take Action Now! Health Reform Legislation Threatens Health Freedom – Please Take Action Now! Doctors Threatened With Jail State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s – Please Take Action Now! AND (Dietitians) Monopoly American Medical Association Monopoly – Please Take Action Now! Government for […]

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Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs

Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs P5P & Carpal tunnel B6 & Colorectal Cancer risk Human beings cannot live without vitamin B-6. It is also important for the prevention of cancer and the prevention and treatment of seizures, anemia, mental disorders including schizophrenia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions. Its […]

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ANH-USA Campaigns ANH-USA is determined to advance integrative medicine and every campaign ANH-USA launches will further that goal. Our active campaigns address matters on the state, federal, and international level. We firmly believe that a multifaceted approach is the only means to efficiently and effectively protect the integrative community while making positive change within the […]

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Tell FDA to Ban Arsenic in Animal Feed!

Tell FDA to Ban Arsenic in Animal Feed!

The chickens you buy at the grocery store are given feed with arsenic added to make them gain weight faster. Yes, arsenic—the deadly poison and carcinogen. A petition had been filed with the FDA to remove arsenic from animal feed and the FDA had until June 15th to respond. ANH-USA forwarded the thousands of comments our readers submitted in support of the arsenic ban to the FDA. Thank you all for taking action!

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Vitamin B6 (P5P)

Vitamin B6 (P5P) Human beings cannot live without vitamin B-6. It is also important for the prevention of cancer and the prevention and treatment of seizures, anemia, mental disorders including schizophrenia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions. Its effect on carpal tunnel can seem almost miraculous. A natural form of the vitamin, Pyridoxamine, was recently […]

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Press Release: Faulty Study Targets Vitamins C and E

Faulty Study Targets Vitamins C and E For Immediate Release U.S. Contact: Gretchen DuBeau, ph 800-230-2762 International Contact: Dr Robert Verkerk, ph +44-1306-646-600 November 18, 2008 FAULTY STUDY TARGETS VITAMINS C AND E Finding of No Cardiovascular Protection Was Predictable Today, the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) and its international affiliate, the Alliance for […]

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