For Immediate Release: February 12, 2009 US Contact: Tami L. Wahl, 800.230.2762 International Contact: Dr. Robert Verkerk, 44.1306.646.600 WOMEN’S MULTIVITAMIN STUDY DANGEROUSLY FLAWED Group Studied Not Representative of General Population; Study Excluded Dosages Above RDA Guidelines Today the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) criticized a study published by the American Medical Association in the […]

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Press Release: New Science Point to Importance of High Dose Supplements

For Immediate Release: March 3, 2009 US Contact: Tami L. Wahl, 800.230.2762 International Contact: Dr. Robert Verkerk, 44.1306.646.600 NEW SCIENCE POINTS TO IMPORTANCE OF HIGH-DOSE SUPPLEMENTS Calcium, B Vitamins, and Vitamin D Play Important Roles Three new pieces of research reveal the importance of higher supplement doses. The February 23 issue of Archives of Internal […]

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Press Release: Raging Health Care Debate

Help for Consumers Caught in the Crossfire of the Raging Health Care Debate Consumers caught in the quagmire of issues in the health care debate can find help from a member-based non-profit organization dedicated to protecting Americans’ rights to choose their practitioner and the practitioner’s right to practice integrative and natural medicine. Washington, DC-In a […]

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Designed to Fail: A Trial Without Meaning

Designed To Fail: A Trial Without Meaning The following is an analysis of a recent study on vitamins C and E by the scientific team of the Alliance for Natural Health, our international affiliate. To read the full analysis, Click Here Contributed by Steve Hickey, Ph.D.; Damien Downing, M.B.B.S.; and Robert Verkerk, Ph.D., Alliance for […]

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In the early 1990s, medical freedom was being threatened by the FDA, by powerful allopathic medical organizations like the American Medical Association (AMA), by insurance companies, and by state medical boards around the country. Good doctors were losing their licenses or being driven into bankruptcy simply because they used an unconventional, holistic approach to preventing […]

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Forbes: Vitamins “Quackery” — The Same Old Discredited Studies Are Hauled Out

It’s silly, to tell the truth.  Every so often, a major news outlet will publish an article to discourage people from taking vitamin supplements.  The articles cite a by now familiar group of very badly designed and probably intentionally biased medical studies that are quoted because of their anti-supplement results.  Sometimes the same old bogus […]

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This Is Not Science

The headlines were uniformly negative—“Vitamins Are Useless!” An “observational” study at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle looked at over 161,000 post-menopausal women, ages 50-79. Of the multivitamin supplements taken, none were counted if they were above tiny “recommended daily allowances,” and all reporting was done anecdotally. After eight years, researchers concluded there was […]

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