The Campaign against Alternative Health Practitioners

A recent post in the blog of attorney of Michael Cohen, author of Legal Issues in Alternative Medicine and other books, speaks to pending cases by the Florida Department of Health against unlicensed practitioners of alternative medicine. In fact, graduates of accredited institutions such as Bastyr University have been unable to use their professional degree […]

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Surviving Cardiac Arrest May Depend on Where You Live

Conventional Medicine Ignores the Science behind Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death with Fish Oil The U.S. has waged a five-decade war on heart disease thanks to the information gleaned  from the Framingham Study and the studies that followed it. That war has been dominated by the use of prescription drugs, surgery, and procedures that include angioplasty […]

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America’s Toxic Body Burden—Face-off with the FDA over the Safety of BPA in Plastic

As discussed in the 9/9/08 issue of Pulse of Health Freedom, the FDA has ignored other government experts and sided with industry on BPA, a widespread chemical that another government agency has deemed potentially dangerous. An important update to that story is the 9/16/08 Journal of the American Medical Association article linking BPA to both […]

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