Supplements In The Senate—Again!

Supplements In The Senate—Again!

The Senate Special Committee on Aging is chaired by Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI). The Committee may be about to take some potshots at supplements during a hearing scheduled for tomorrow, May 26. Everyone involved is being very hush-hush on what they’ll be discussing, but we have learned of several items on the agenda.

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Defeat McCain’s Anti-Supplement Bill

.Defeat McCain’s Anti-Supplement Bill About the Bill and Why It Is So Threatening To Your Supplements TAKE ACTION DSHEA protects supplements if 1) they are food products that have been in the food supply and not chemically altered or 2) if they were sold as supplements prior to 1994, the year that DSHEA was passed. […]

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FDA Articles

Help Us Reform the FDA! Reform FDA Campaign Overview “FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition” by ANH-USA President Hunter Lewis “Would You Tolerate This Abuse?” by William Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension Foundation Other Articles and Information Articles and Information from The Pulse of Natural Health FDA-Approved Drug Linked to 542 Deaths and 2,367 Hemorrhages, but […]

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Reform FDA

Help Us Reform the FDA! Reform FDA Campaign Overview “FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition” by ANH-USA President Hunter Lewis “Would You Tolerate This Abuse?” by William Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension Foundation Other Articles and Information Reform FDA Campaign Overview The corrupt governmental agency that says it’s “protecting and promoting your health” is directly responsible […]

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D Overview About The Science Help End the Government’s Shameful Silence About Vitamin D—the Natural Way to Prevent and Treat Flu Including Swine Flu! Overview With hundreds of thousands of seasonal flu-related complications, thousands of deaths from the flu, ANH-USA asks the obvious question: What are the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food […]

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International Strategic Alliance Dinner; February 2, 2009

The International Strategic Alliance Inaugural Dinner You are invited to learn more about the International Strategic Alliance, formed by Jonathan Emord, the Alliance for Natural Health International, the Canadian Natural Health Collective and Herb Works, to promote integrative medicine and dietary supplements. Who Are We? The International Strategic Alliance is committed to working proactively on […]

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