Reform Healthcare

American health care is in crisis. It is bankrupting our country. Government regulations prevent consumers from choosing health insurance policies that fit their needs. If Americans are going to have sustainable, affordable health insurance, current policies must be reformed to allow a consumer-driven health insurance market to develop. But reforming health insurance policies isn’t enough. […]

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Mass Shootings Likely Linked to Psychiatric Meds

Mass Shootings Likely Linked to Psychiatric Meds

Why isn’t our government investigating the connection between mind-altering drugs and violent shootings? Action Alert! Recently, famed constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord called on the Trump administration to investigate the possible links between psychiatric drugs and violent gun attacks in the United States. The FDA is aware that these drugs can cause violent behavior, yet continues […]

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Conflicts of Interest Mar FDA Pharmacy Committee

Conflicts of Interest Mar FDA Pharmacy Committee

Individualized and natural medications are under threat. Action Alert! Millions of Americans rely on customized medicines made at compounding pharmacies, including bioidentical hormones like estriol. That access is threatened by an FDA advisory committee that is rife with conflicts of interest, including the pharmaceutical industry, which competes with compounding pharmacies. For years now, we’ve been […]

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Defend your right to treat patients using compounded medications such as glutathione

Defend your right to treat patients using compounded medications such as glutathione

Link: Here’s the issue: The FDA is once again overstepping by protecting the interests of Big Pharma rather than patient care by restricting access to compounded medicines. Physicians and patients will lose access to these safe, effective and cost effective medications unless we act using the legal methods demonstrated to defeat prior FDA overreach. […]

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Supplements Killing Children?

Supplements Killing Children?

No, but this false narrative is being pushed by the mainstream media. Last week, a paper in the Journal of Medical Toxicology reported that calls to poison control centers concerning dietary supplements were up 50% over the period 2005-2012, with most of those calls relating to small children. The mainstream media pounced, questioning whether parents […]

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CBD for Pain Reveals FDA Agenda and It’s Impact on Healthcare!

CBD for Pain Reveals FDA Agenda and It’s Impact on Healthcare!

Research and clinical evidence confirms that CBD oil relieves pain [1]. This should be good news! 116m Americans suffer chronic pain [2]. Action Alert! Other approved pain relievers may cause internal bleeding, (e.g. aspirin)[3], cause heart disease (e.g. the now banned Vioxx)[4], kill people (fentanyl, up to 100X more potent than morphine)[5], or lead to both […]

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