CBD for Pain Reveals Why Healthcare is Such a Mess!

CBD for Pain Reveals Why Healthcare is Such a Mess!

Research and clinical evidence confirms that CBD oil relieves pain [1]. This should be good news! 116m Americans suffer chronic pain [2]. Action Alert! Other approved pain relievers may cause internal bleeding, (e.g. aspirin)[3], cause heart disease (e.g. the now banned Vioxx)[4], kill people (fentanyl, up to 100X more potent than morphine)[5], or lead to both […]

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What the Government Has Done to Physicians

What the Government Has Done to Physicians

Federal bureaucracy is turning your physician into roboticized “healthcare providers.” Do you want your doctor to be your doctor because she or he really wants to help you and other people, or because “it’s a job”? Since the start of “third-party medicine”—otherwise known as “healthcare insurance”—the physician-patient relationship has been destroyed, at first slowly, and […]

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Research and Clinical Information  You Can Safely Use on Your Own

Research and Clinical Information You Can Safely Use on Your Own

Treatments for your skin: lycopene, vitamin A, and duct tape! Vitamin D lowers cancer risk Vitamin regimens for both heavy menstruation and nausea in pregnancy Nix dairy to prevent strep throat Sexual healing: hormones for men, and herbs, oils, and vitamins for women More lycopene, less rough skin As skin aging and roughness is more […]

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Not Diabetic? Take a Diabetes Drug Anyway!

Not Diabetic? Take a Diabetes Drug Anyway!

That’s what the medical establishment is scandalously recommending. There are billions of dollars to be made, even if the drugs are harmful even for actual diabetics. “Prediabetes” refers to a condition of abnormal but not pathological blood sugar levels. People with “prediabetes” are considered to be at risk to develop type 2 diabetes. One in […]

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Zero Deaths from Supplements

Zero Deaths from Supplements

This is according to the most recent data. But the FDA’s tightening of supplement regulations is for our safety, right? Action Alert! Every year, the American Association of Poison Control Center’s National Poison Data System (NPDS) releases an annual report that tracks deaths and serious adverse events as a result of poisoning from a wide […]

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Worried About Prostate Cancer?

Worried About Prostate Cancer?

How to thread your way through the swamp of crony medicine. by Hunter Lewis President, ANH-USA Board of Directors ANH-USA’s board president recently had to deal with prostate cancer. In the article below, he relates how he searched for and found solutions for this common cancer—one of them long stalled by the FDA—and now, although […]

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The Best Kept Secret for Healing

The Best Kept Secret for Healing

By Gretchen DuBeau Executive and Legal Director Alliance for Natural Health USA How our executive director’s difficult personal journey became a career dedicated to protecting your natural health options, and why the tide is turning in our favor I’ve always believed that obstacles are opportunities in disguise, and the growth and learning derived from the […]

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Crony Dentistry Once Again Puts Children at Risk

Crony Dentistry Once Again Puts Children at Risk

Medical device companies appear to be trying to buy dentists, exposing children to high levels of unnecessary radiation. The New York Times ran a story a few years ago illustrating the extent to which cronyism (showing partiality to long-standing friends for mutual financial benefit, rather than following good science) determines medical care—in this instance, dental […]

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