Study Shows Hemp Extract May Fight COVID

Study Shows Hemp Extract May Fight COVID

Another reason consumers need affordable access to CBD and other hemp products, not more FDA-sanctioned Pharma monopolies. Action Alert! A new study suggests that certain compounds found in hemp can block the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into human cells. This is in addition to many other clinical benefits like helping with pain and fighting […]

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Study: Antioxidants Provide COVID Key

Study: Antioxidants Provide COVID Key

A new understanding of COVID is emerging, suggesting the disease attacks the immune system rather than the lungs—yet the government is threatening supplements like NAC that could help. Action Alert! COVID is widely considered to be a respiratory disease (it is formally known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2). But a new […]

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AIDS, COVID Reveal Deep Corruption

AIDS, COVID Reveal Deep Corruption

A new book describes how Dr. Anthony Fauci’s actions during the AIDS and COVID crises exemplify everything wrong with our crony medical system. Learn how to get a free copy of this incredible book! During both the COVID pandemic and the AIDS epidemic, Dr. Fauci discredited medicines that are safe, cheap, and effective in favor […]

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Natural Medicine and COVID: Will Congress Help?

Natural Medicine and COVID: Will Congress Help?

Real COVID prevention means addressing the obesity and chronic disease epidemic, but the feds don’t have a clue. COVID has killed more than 750,000 Americans and caused more than three million hospitalizations. Yet the virus is not an indiscriminate killer. We know that people with underlying conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are far […]

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Tunnel Vision on COVID Care Killed

Tunnel Vision on COVID Care Killed

…by focusing almost exclusively on masking, social distancing, and vaccinations and ignoring what sick people could do at home to avoid hospitalization. The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in many ways, but in other ways it is just like any other illness. Yet in addressing this illness, public health authorities have inexplicably departed from standard medical […]

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Will We Lose Resveratrol?

Will We Lose Resveratrol?

This powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and life-extending supplement could face the FDA’s axe. We need to stop it. Action Alert! Resveratrol, a plant-derived polyphenol found in grapes, could be eliminated in supplement form like pyridoxamine (B6) was a number of years ago due to an FDA back-channel that lets Big Pharma turn supplements into drugs. If […]

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Introducing the ENOUGH movement, using a single word sentiment as a mechanism for profound change in our world. The last 18 months have been a trying experience, and if you’ve felt that you’ve “had ENOUGH,” you’re not alone. This week, a new global movement has launched: the Enough Movement. Sparked by the non-profit Millions Against […]

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Regenerative Health

Regenerative Health

Our only way forward is to focus on regenerative solutions to our health, to our environment, to the technologies we employ and to the food we eat. We work to promote regenerative health for both people and the planet.

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