New Heights of Medical Censorship

New Heights of Medical Censorship

Now doctors are being threatened with the loss of their license if they fail to toe the line of mainstream medicine on how to prevent and treat COVID. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) recently announced that doctors who “spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” risk disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the revocation of […]

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The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About

The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About

The underlying cause of our vulnerability to viral infection, from the coronavirus and beyond.  “The response of governments worldwide to COVID-19 has been virology-based, disregarding toxicological issues.” This is a key pullout from a new paper that should change the narrative around the COVID-19 pandemic. It argues that if we want to find the real […]

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Feds Attack Medical “Disinformation”

Feds Attack Medical “Disinformation”

The government wants to decide what information you can see during COVID and beyond. Action Alert! A recently-introduced bill in Congress would amend the law to make companies like Facebook and Twitter legally liable for promoting “health misinformation” during a declared public health emergency—a term which will be defined by the government. This is a […]

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Ivermectin: Crony Capitalist Case Study

Ivermectin: Crony Capitalist Case Study

Ivermectin has shown tremendous promise in the fight against COVID-19, but governments around the world attack and discredit those who promote its use. “Why is the FDA attacking a safe, effective drug?” asks a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. Despite dozens of studies demonstrating the promise of ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19, […]

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FDA Overreach on Hold, Temporarily

FDA Overreach on Hold, Temporarily

The FDA has delayed implementation of a bad rule that will limit access to customized medicines like bioidentical estriol and progesterone that millions of women rely on. The FDA recently announced that it will extend by one year — to October 27, 2022 — the date on which it will begin enforcement of the Memorandum […]

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Pressure Congress on Homeopathy

Pressure Congress on Homeopathy

We’ve been telling you over the last few years about the recent FDA guidance that threatens the future of homeopathic medicines in the US. Upending decades of safe regulation, FDA released a draft guidance in 2017 that essentially stated that all homeopathic drugs are illegal. ANH-USA, our friends at Americans for Homeopathy Choice, and other […]

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Why the FDA is Attacking NAC Supplements

Why the FDA is Attacking NAC Supplements

N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) has been on the market as a supplement for decades—why is the FDA attacking it now? A few weeks ago, we told you about the FDA’s recent actions threatening NAC supplements—products which the FDA has allowed on the market for decades. The question is, why now, after all these years, is the FDA […]

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Update on FDA Compounding Catastrophe

Update on FDA Compounding Catastrophe

Help us build support in Congress to ensure you can access the customized medicines you rely on. Action Alert! As part of its effort to implement the Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013, the FDA is poised to implement a bad policy that will limit the amount of medicines like bioidentical hormones such as […]

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FDA Moves Toward Monopoly Medicine

FDA Moves Toward Monopoly Medicine

A regulation that threatens supplement access is gaining traction. Action Alert! A well-organized, coordinated campaign from the FDA and Big Pharma is threatening access to the supplements you depend on. Using the false premise that supplements are unsafe, the FDA is working to gain more power over the regulation of supplements in order to further […]

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