Gut Health: Impacts on Aging and Beyond

Gut Health: Impacts on Aging and Beyond

The role our gut microbes play in health, chronic disease, and longevity—and how government policies threaten natural ways of healing our gut. Action Alert! Research on the gut microbiome—a diverse array of trillions of microorganisms that reside in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract—is revealing how pivotal this microbial ecosystem is to preventing premature aging. Imbalances in this […]

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Court Slows Down FDA’s Homeopathy Attack

Court Slows Down FDA’s Homeopathy Attack

In a qualified victory, a federal judge ruled that the FDA may have acted improperly in upending decades of safe homeopathic regulation. Action Alert! Earlier this year, we reported on the FDA’s most recent attack against homeopathic medicines in which the agency effectively banned the sale of injectable homeopathic products. One of the companies, MediNatura, […]

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FDA Shuts Down Natural Pain Options

FDA Shuts Down Natural Pain Options

FDA-approved pain medicines are dangerous, but the government is systematically attacking safer, non-addictive natural treatments. Action Alert! A recent study in Switzerland found that acetaminophen poisoning increased by 40% following the approval of 1,000mg doses. This is just the latest data to indicate the public health problems caused by this commonly used pain drug, which […]

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Help Us Save Homeopathy!

Help Us Save Homeopathy!

Help us support our allies in an effort to stop the FDA’s attack on this safe, natural form of medicine. Action Alert! Our friends at Americans for Homeopathy Choice have submitted a Citizens Petition to the FDA requesting that the agency reverse its recent actions with regard to homeopathic medicine. Upending decades of safe regulation, […]

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Supplement Doomsday Coming?

Supplement Doomsday Coming?

The FDA could be completing policies that will wreak havoc on the supplement industry. They must be opposed. Action Alert! The FDA is asking for comments on its procedures for submitting new dietary ingredient (NDI) notifications. This NDI notification system (think of it as “new supplement” notification) threatens the entire future of the supplement industry […]

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Fight Cronyism and Support Natural Healthcare

Cronyism in healthcare is killing us. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the failings of a health system that relies on super expensive, patent-protected pharmaceutical drugs to treat chronically sick people rather than preventing chronic disease with inexpensive, safe, and affordable natural medicines. In fact, the government doesn’t even want you to know about the scientifically-proven […]

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Cancer Drug Swindle

Cancer Drug Swindle

Under the guise of speedier drug approvals, Big Pharma profits get a boost while public health is endangered. Action Alert! Many cancer drugs that are approved by the FDA do not have much benefit to patients. This is because approval can be based on dubious measurements of secondary benefits, referred to as “surrogate endpoints.” The FDA, with the help of Congress, […]

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Feds Serving Up More Bad Diet Advice

Feds Serving Up More Bad Diet Advice

They are working on updating the recommended dietary guidelines for 2020-2025, and it seems the same falsehoods are persisting in the government’s report. Action Alert!  Every five years, the government undergoes a process to update its Dietary Guidelines for Americans. One of the initial phases of this process is a Scientific Report from an advisory committee that makes recommendations on certain matters. […]

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