Feds Fire Another Shot at Homeopathy

Feds Fire Another Shot at Homeopathy

The FDA has issued its first warnings against homeopathic medicines, and this is only the beginning. Action Alert!  The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies that sell injectable homeopathic medicine because, in the agency’s view, injectable homeopathic medicines “can pose a serious risk to patient health.” This is following a bad guidance the agency is in the […]

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FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

Crony ties between the drug industry and FDA put Americans at risk. Action Alert! Pharmaceutical executives getting high-ranking jobs in the FDA; former FDA employees going to work for Big Pharma. This revolving door between regulator and industry is the very definition of the “fox guarding the henhouse.” This cronyism is putting Americans lives at […]

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FDA Moves to Eliminate Custom Medicine

FDA Moves to Eliminate Custom Medicine

This rule will make it harder for you to get the customized medications you need. Action Alert! As part of its effort to implement the Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013, the FDA has taken the next step to implement a bad policy that will limit the amount of medicines like bioidentical hormones compounding […]

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Crony Medicine Missing the Mark on Chloroquine

Crony Medicine Missing the Mark on Chloroquine

Zinc seems to be the key to the drug’s effectiveness, but many trials ignore it. Why? Action Alert! New reports indicate that President Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc to protect against the coronavirus. As we’ve written before, research indicates that high concentrations of zinc inside cells inhibit the replication of RNA viruses […]

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NIH’s Failing COVID Study Strategy

NIH’s Failing COVID Study Strategy

Cronyism is standing in the way of natural COVID-19 prevention. Action Alert! There are no drugs for preventing COVID-19, so the government says almost nothing about prevention except for social distancing while our economy suffers. There are many indications, however, that nutrients and lifestyle approaches can help protect us from this virus. The “problem” is that […]

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Are Ventilators Killing People?

Are Ventilators Killing People?

Emerging evidence suggests they are. Action Alert! Many are now questioning the usefulness of ventilators for COVID-19 patients, suggesting they might cause more harm than good. This may be because the paradigm by which doctors are treating the disease is wrong. Simply put, hospitals around the country are operating from the assumption that COVID-19 infection […]

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Government Cronyism Undermines COVID Prevention

Government Cronyism Undermines COVID Prevention

Federal policies keep us from learning about the ability of natural medicine to offer protection from COVID-19. Action Alert! As the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded, the health system has focused on finding a pharmaceutical treatment for the COVID-19 virus. Once found, this treatment will likely be expensive and carry dangerous side effects. Meanwhile, we’re told […]

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Transforming Healthcare: The Community Cure

Transforming Healthcare: The Community Cure

A new book offers a way forward in our fight against the epidemic of chronic disease. In his new book, The Community Cure, author James Maskell documents a new approach to medicine centered on community: that is, coming together as groups of patients suffering from the same afflictions to heal more effectively (and cost effectively). […]

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New Hope for Alzheimer’s

New Hope for Alzheimer’s

Emerging research underscores the critical need to protect compounded bioidentical hormones. Action Alert! Almost six million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and it is projected to afflict many more in coming years. Big Pharma has been unable to produce drugs that treat this debilitating disease. New research, however, is suggesting that Alzheimer’s is more complex […]

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