Misguided Durbin Bill Targets Supplements

Misguided Durbin Bill Targets Supplements ******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to Oppose the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act The Dietary Supplement Labeling Act has been introduced in the Senate. It was created in response to the recent “Lazy Cakes” brownie controversy, though there is hardly any mention in it of food companies […]

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Government for Sale

Government for Sale ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to Support the BoxerDeFazio GMO Labeling Bills! The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced last Wednesday in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) with nine cosponsors in […]

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Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong?

Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong? ********Action Alerts For This Campaign******** Last Monday the Archives of Internal Medicine,  released a study claiming that vitamin use might lead to an earlier death. The study was “junk science” at its worst. Worst of all, the media have skewed and misreported the study with devastating […]

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