ANH Responds to NIH Omega 3 Study

ANH Responds to NIH Omega 3 Study

The National Institute of Health (NIH) recently released a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) claiming that Omega 3 supplements “showed no benefits for cognitive decline. This conclusion was reached using terribly flawed data. The Alliance for Natural Health USA issued a rebuttal, based on the analysis of our Council of […]

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Wall Street Journal Ignores Over Sixteen Hundred Letters Challenging Its Journalistic Ethics

Wall Street Journal Ignores Over Sixteen Hundred Letters Challenging Its Journalistic Ethics

Should “experts” be given a pulpit without one word about their serious conflicts of interest? Action Alert! Last month the Wall Street Journal published Dr. Paul Offit’s pro-vaccine screed without disclosing his major financial conflict of interest. As we reported then, he’s the inventor of the rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq, which is now recommended for universal […]

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Federal Government-Funded Study Fails to Recognize Value of Vitamin D

VITAMIN D TOXICITY Scientific ignorance of past findings often has dire consequences for the present. In 1934, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study on vitamin D overdose.24 The authors reported on 300 patients given high doses of vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) for asthma and hay fever. The authors reported that each unit dose of […]

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Response to New York Times Opinion Piece “Don’t Take Your Vitamins”

Response to New York Times Opinion Piece “Don’t Take Your Vitamins”

The New York Times published an opinion piece by Dr. Paul Offit on June 8th, 2013 titled Don’t Take Your Vitamins.1 The article calls into question the benefit of vitamin supplementation. The opinion posits that most people get the nutrition they need from food and should not take supplemental antioxidant vitamins. Dr. Offit also suggests that vitamins could be […]

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Flawed Testosterone Analysis Spurs Misleading Media Headlines

Flawed Testosterone Analysis Spurs Misleading Media Headlines

By Blake Gossard, Kira Schmid, ND, Luke Huber, ND, MBA, Steven V. Joyal, MD The age-related decline of men’s testosterone levels is inevitable. Unless aging men replace their diminishing testosterone, they could succumb to any of the numerous health problems linked to low testosterone levels: frailty, muscle loss, weight gain, impaired cognition, fatigue, loss of […]

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Federally-Funded Analysis Attempts to Undermine Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Federally-Funded Analysis Attempts to Undermine Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

By Blake Gossard, Kira Schmid, ND, Luke Huber, ND, MBA, Steven V. Joyal, MD Readers of Life Extension Magazine® are well aware of the recent track record of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). In May 2012, this taxpayer-funded group recommended that men avoid life-saving PSA blood tests. In the December 2012 issue of Life Extension, the fundamental flaws that drove this ill-advised proposition […]

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