Even More Natural Medicines Are Now at Risk

Even More Natural Medicines Are Now at Risk

The FDA is likely to move against numerous natural, compounded medicines. Action Alert! The Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) advises the FDA on what supplements and drugs can be individually formulated for patients—many of whom have very specific needs that can only be met through these alternative formulations. The next meeting of the PCAC has […]

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Stop Osteoporosis!

Stop Osteoporosis!

How strontium can help you rebuild your bones. Last December, a seventy-seven year old woman (we’ll call her Sarah, although that’s not her real name) told me that she’d been advised that her recent bone scan was 100% normal. In 2010, she’d been told she was “into osteoporosis.” She’d been advised to use a patent […]

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Are You Nutrient Deficient?

Are You Nutrient Deficient?

Fully 90% of Americans are deficient in one or more key nutrients. Unfortunately, many Americans are not even meeting the government’s (flawed) recommended daily allowances of key nutrients: (Chart from Precision Nutrition, based on USDA data) One nutrient in particular to note is magnesium. Life Extension Foundation (LEF) points out in its most recent issue […]

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Depression, Amino Acids, and Rubidium

Depression, Amino Acids, and Rubidium

Chronic depression can be successfully treated by taking supplemental essential amino acids. A simple blood test can check for low amino acid levels, and can suggest appropriate dosages to bring levels back to normal. Supplements of a mineral called rubidium, part of the lithium–sodium–potassium “family” of minerals, can stimulate catecholamines and further help depression. For […]

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Natural Hormones on the Chopping Block Yet Again

Natural Hormones on the Chopping Block Yet Again

UPDATE: Good news—in a group of documents dated November 3, 2016, the FDA has responded to our concerns, indicating that compounded hormone creams WILL NOT BE on the agency’s chopping block at the next advisory committee meeting. We are glad to hear that the FDA is only considering the elimination of patches; creams, gels, foams, and ointments […]

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FDA To Redefine “Healthy” Once Again

FDA To Redefine “Healthy” Once Again

As usual, the agency is using outdated science and is heavily influenced by industry. Action Alert! Following the recent update to the Nutrition Facts label and the approval of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the FDA is proposing to update the definition of “healthy” and in federal regulations. The idea is to harmonize the […]

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Free Speech: FDA Goes on the Attack Again

Free Speech: FDA Goes on the Attack Again

The real target: your ability to buy supplements of your own choice. Action Alert! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a “guidance” describing the substantiation needed by infant formula products to make structure/function claims. In the guidance, the FDA “recommends” that double-blind randomized controlled trials (RCTs) be used to substantiate structure/function claims on these […]

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Worried About Prostate Cancer?

Worried About Prostate Cancer?

How to thread your way through the swamp of crony medicine. by Hunter Lewis President, ANH-USA Board of Directors ANH-USA’s board president recently had to deal with prostate cancer. In the article below, he relates how he searched for and found solutions for this common cancer—one of them long stalled by the FDA—and now, although […]

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FDA Backs Down on Censoring Food Label

FDA Backs Down on Censoring Food Label

Yet only recently the agency held that KIND snack bars couldn’t claim to be healthy because they contained too much fat. Never mind that the fats in question are the good fats we need. Last year the FDA sent a warning letter to KIND Healthy Snacks, telling them their products were advertised as being “healthy” […]

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