Update: Senator McCain Cosponsors a New Bill That Threatens Your Access to Supplements and Repeals Key Sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act

A wide variety of organizations, working together with ANH-USA, have swung into action to stop John McCain’s new bill that threatens dietary supplements. Already thousands of messages are on their way to Capitol Hill in protest. Please be sure that your message is among them. If you have not already done so, please take action now.

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Help ANH-USA Teach AP About Integrative Medicine

Mike Adams, editor of www.naturalnews.com, is waging a campaign to educate the Associated Press about natural remedies. According to Adams, “The Associated Press continues its assault on alternative medicine, led by writer Marilynn Marchione who writes attack pieces on everything under the sun (including the sun itself) related to alternative medicine and natural therapies. The […]

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Your Body—Your Right to Choose!

The Massachusetts Public Health Emergency Preparation and Response Act (H4275) passed the House on 10.08.09.  This piece of legislation articulates the authority granted to the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health during a ‘declared emergency’ and is companion legislation to S2028, which passed in April of this year.  The two bills will now go […]

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