Congressman Waxman Slips Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure into Wall St. “Reform” Bill Passed by the House; Please Take Action to Prevent Same Thing Happening in the Senate!

This “sneak” legislative provision, going far beyond finance, provides a back door way to bypass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs dietary supplements. Please do not delay. We may have only a few days to stop this in the Senate.

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Obama’s Healthcare Bill Unconstitutional?

The Wall Street Journal has published several editorials questioning the legality of legislation that would require Americans to purchase healthcare insurance or face penalties. These editorials as well as the lead article in the December 2009 issue of Health Freedom Watch were all penned by noted legal minds. The attorneys general of South Carolina, Florida and a handful of other states have also questioned the constitutionality of the federal healthcare bill

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A Ray of Light in the Dark: Integrative Healthcare Specifically Included in the Senate Healthcare Bill’s Statutory Language!

The American Association for Health Freedom (soon to be The Alliance for Natural Health-USA thanks to our merger with The Alliance for Natural Health) has  worked for months to gain recognition for integrated healthcare in  President Obama’s Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) plan (part of the stimulus bill)  and in  multiple iterations of healthcare reform legislation. […]

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