FDA “Scales Back Enforcement” of Quality Controls on Medical Devices

The Project on Government Oversight, an independent watchdog group that exposes problems in government, has learned that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has quietly reduced their enforcement of federal quality regulations at laboratories that develop medical devices. The FDA’s inspections of “good laboratory practices” dropped dramatically in the past few years: from 33 in […]

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This Is Not Science

The headlines were uniformly negative—“Vitamins Are Useless!” An “observational” study at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle looked at over 161,000 post-menopausal women, ages 50-79. Of the multivitamin supplements taken, none were counted if they were above tiny “recommended daily allowances,” and all reporting was done anecdotally. After eight years, researchers concluded there was […]

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New Health Revolution Petition Calls for Radical, Systemic Changes to US Healthcare System

A new petition, endorsed by AAHF as well the Organic Consumers Association (http://www.organicconsumers.org/), the Life Extension Foundation (http://www.lef.org/), Citizens for Health (http://www.citizens.org/), and the Consumer Wellness Center (http://www.consumerwellness.org/), and created by Mike Adams and Natural News (http://www.naturalnews.com/) will be delivered to every member of the House and Senate as well as the office of President […]

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Scientific Freedom of Speech in Medical Journals—What Role Does Pharmaceutical Advertising Play Regarding Vitamin Supplements?

In a recently published peer-reviewed study, researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of Florida found that in major medical journals, more pharmaceutical advertising is associated with publishing fewer articles about dietary supplements. The research also noted that more pharmaceutical company advertising resulted in the journal having more articles with “negative […]

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