“It is Imperative that FDA Take Immediate Steps” to Fix the Broken Review System for Medical Devices

The figure is staggering, the implications sobering. Senator Charles Grassley has revealed that a prominent University of Wisconsin researcher and surgeon has received $19 million over five years from Medtronic, one of the country’s largest medical device manufacturers. Sen. Grassley is investigating potential conflicts of interest in medicine.

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Wall Street Journal Article on Alternative Medicine Provokes Angry Response

The January 9 issue of the Wall Street Journal published an article by Deepak Chopra, MD, Dean Ornish, MD, Andrew Weill, MD, and Rustum Roy, PhD.  “‘Alternative’ Medicine is Mainstream” made the case that an integrative, diet-and-lifestyle approach can curb our sky-high medical bills and cure our costly medical ills.

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The Economy Is Tanking. Is This Good News for Herbal and Natural Meds?

A recent report in the Wall Street Journal said that healthcare spending grew at its lowest rate in nearly a decade in 2007, yet it swallowed an ever bigger portion of our country’s gross national product, not to mention the budgets of American families. Because of a trend toward generic medications, prescription drug spending was […]

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More News from the Women’s Health Initiative—Synthetic, Prescription HRT Shrinks the Brain

In the December 23, 2008, issue of Pulse of Health Freedom, we reported on new data from the government-funded Women’s Health Initiative. Now, two studies from the arm of the WHI Study that favors using synthetic hormone replacement therapy by prescription have been published in the January 13 issue of Neurology. The studies sought to […]

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FDA Publishes Guidance on the Substantiation Needed for Supplement Claims

In December 2008, the FDA published its guidance regarding structure/function claims for dietary supplements in the form of non-binding recommendations to supplement industry manufacturers. Contrary to the oft-repeated notion that dietary supplements are unregulated, under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the “FDA has exclusive jurisdiction over the safety, and primary jurisdiction […]

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More Melamine Found in Baby Food

Updates published on the FDA’s website reveals more products for infants that are contaminated with melamine. A December Pulse of Health Freedom article reported on the contradictory action taken by the FDA after baby formula was found to be contaminated with melamine, a compound first synthesized in 1834. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food […]

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BPA — More Bad News for Babies

One of 2008’s top ten health stories continues to trouble consumers in 2009: the hazardous compound bisphenol A (BPA), a common chemical component of plastics, which is widely found in consumer products like water bottles, food containers, baby bottles, and dental sealants. BPA is known to leach from these containers when food and drink is […]

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