What you need to know about the recent World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. Action Alert!
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- Some of the worst, originally proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations were left out of the group of amendments that were adopted at the WHA’s 77th meeting last weekend. This couldn’t have happened without the massive grassroots pressure brought by ANH and others in opposing the amendments.
- Negotiators failed to reach a consensus on the Pandemic Treaty, so they will try again in the coming months.
- Member states have 10 months to reject the amendments; they become law in 12 months.
- If you care about health sovereignty, help us pressure lawmakers to reject the IHR amendments.
For many months now, we’ve been reporting on developments at the supra-national level that will determine how countries respond to the next pandemic. There are two separate processes: amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the negotiation of a Pandemic “treaty.” While both documents have gone through many revisions, the basic framework remains the same: the centralization of decision-making in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the creation of a global pandemic cartel delivering customers—and, by extension, profits—to the open arms of Big Pharma.
The culmination of these two processes was this past weekend’s 77th WHA meeting in Geneva where 194 WHO ‘member states’ (formerly known as nations or blocs) got to vote. There’s good news and bad news. The good news: no consensus was reached on the Pandemic Treaty, so nothing was approved. Negotiators will have another year to produce a ‘treaty’. There is no doubt that public backlash over the treaty from dissenters to the process, ANH included, changed the course of events and helped spur political opposition to the treaty and the IHR amendments. Just recently, almost half the US Senate and 22 State Attorneys General sent letters to President Biden opposing the WHO’s efforts. We want to thank all of you who responded to our Action Alerts for your dedicated activism!

Now for the not so good news. Unfortunately, a package of amendments to the IHR was approved by the WHA, something we knew was inevitable as only a two-thirds majority of member states’ votes was needed. While it’s not as bad as it could have been, there are still significant problems within the amendments to the IHR that were approved. These changes come into effect in 12 months. Countries have 10 months to reject them. There is no requirement that the US Congress hold a vote on whether to accept the amendments, so we must continue to bring the pressure necessary to force members of Congress to proactively oppose this global power-grab.
The amendments approved at the WHA are much the same as those contained in the draft we discussed a few weeks ago. Here are some of the important points:
- Article 1 gives a vague definition of “pandemic emergency” as a “public health emergency of international concern caused by a communicable disease and: (i) has, or is at high risk of having, wide geographical spread to and within multiple States; and (ii) is exceeding, or is at high risk of exceeding, the capacity of health systems to respond in those States; and (iii) is causing, or is at high risk of causing, substantial social and/or economic disruption, including disruption to international traffic and trade…” (emphasis added). Risk is a broad and relative term, so this gives the Director-General of the WHO a lot of leeway in determining what counts as a “pandemic emergency.”
- Another key term defined in the amendments is “relevant health products” which includes the drugs, vaccines, tests, medical devices, and cell and gene-based therapies that Big Pharma will produce to combat the next communicable disease. A central part of the IHR amendments is about speeding the production of these products and getting them distributed as far and wide as possible.
- Article 13, section 9 obligates states to support the WHO in its activities and to work with domestic stakeholders to “facilitate equitable access to relevant health products” while also “making available…relevant terms of their research and development agreements for relevant health products related to promoting equitable access to such products…”
- The amendments setting up what looks very much like a vaccine-passport-like system, potentially requiring proof of vaccination or testing certificates for travel remain (Article 35).
- A new section in article 44 says that “State Parties…shall maintain or increase domestic funding… to strengthen sustainable financing to support the implementation of these Regulations.” Taxpayer dollars are meant to be diverted to support the WHO’s plans and enrich Big Pharma.
- Annex 1 requires states to develop the “core capacities” related to preparing for and responding to a pandemic. This includes addressing mis- and disinformation.
All of this is in line with what we’ve been saying all along. We’re witnessing an attempt to build a global pandemic cartel. You’ll be told when the next pandemic is. They will try to make you afraid of the new virus (or other pathogen, regardless of its origin), then they’ll present you with the antidote in the form of newly-developed, rapidly-produced, emergency-approved vaccine—maybe even some new-fangled cell or gene-based drugs! They’ll tell you that they are just “following the science” as they manipulate or withhold data on these so-called “relevant health products” to show they are “safe and effective,” while attacking, banning, and discrediting anyone who dares question these health edicts or offers alternatives. It’s clean, simple, one-size-fits-all medicine that ignores massive tracts of knowledge we have about the delicate interplay between our immune systems and nature.
The widely-attended protest against these developments in Geneva—including ANH founder Robert Verkerk, PhD, ANH-USA board member Meleni Aldridge, Robert Malone, MD, Dr. Ryan Cole, Del Bigtree, Dr. Kat Lindley, to name a few—demonstrates clearly that people are fed up with the idea that everyone on the planet should be subject to the same pandemic responses (lockdowns, masks, etc., no matter how destructive these policies were) and should be treated with the same drug or vaccine, no matter where they live or what their health status might be.
This extraordinary coming together under the banner of the The Geneva Project, on the doorstep of the United Nations’ Office at Geneva, linked to a number of initiatives including an invitation-only Inspired Global Leadership Summit MC’d by our good friend and freedom broadcaster Robert Scott Bell.

The fight is far from over. We have ten months to get the US administration (whichever way it goes in November) to reject these amendments, and we must continue to oppose the ‘pandemic treaty’ as negotiations continue. The upcoming presidential election will be relevant to this issue, with everything pointing to President Biden being on-board with the WHO’s plans, and Donald Trump continuing to demonstrate opposition to the WHO.
Action Alert! Write to Congress and tell them to reject the IHR amendments approved at the 77th WHA meeting. Please send your message immediately.
I added (SICKNESS) after Health which is what they REALLY are.