Free Speech About Natural Health Science—It’s Time to Fight Back!
The Free Speech about Science Act of 2011 is about to introduced in Congress. This is an exciting and hugely important bill that you’ll want to support with zeal.
The Free Speech about Science Act of 2011 is about to introduced in Congress. This is an exciting and hugely important bill that you’ll want to support with zeal.
According to The Washington Post, last Friday the FDA—just days after you started contacting them in protest over their pregnancy drug Makena—has reversed their stance. Keep up the pressure!
Iowa and Florida are considering bills that make it illegal to film or photograph inside factory farms without permission. Are the CAFOs afraid their unhealthy conditions and animal cruelty will be exposed? Help us put a stop to this madness!
International threats to natural health, and a fun ANH cocktail hour and awards ceremony, are just two of the exciting happenings at iMosaic.
When a new FDA drug-and-money scandal has doctors, US senators, and even the March of Dimes in an uproar, you know it’s bad. A new Action Alert!
It was meant to be “The People’s Department.” But today’s USDA routinely sides with big agribusiness over “the people,” heedless of safety and nutrition concerns or the needs of small independent farmers.
With the federal government showing nothing but love for all things genetically engineered, some states have introduced legislation to inform and protect their citizens from GE products.
The current FDA administration is blocking reporters from sharing agency pre-publication releases with experts to obtain outside comment. Help us protect medical freedom of speech!
A few weeks ago, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released a report representing ANH-USA (and many other organizations’ efforts to protect natural health consumer rights) as “another disturbing example of pay-to-play in Washington.” Huh? Come again?
Last month we reported on the dangers of many artificial sweeteners. Now a report links diet sodas to a 61% increase in strokes and heart attacks.