Why is “Hot Chemo” an Acceptable Cancer Treatment—But IV Vitamin C is “Too Far Out There”?
Patients liken hot chemotherapy to “being filleted, disemboweled, and then bathed in hot poison.” Best patient care, or merely the biggest moneymaker?
Patients liken hot chemotherapy to “being filleted, disemboweled, and then bathed in hot poison.” Best patient care, or merely the biggest moneymaker?
Our Action Alert is simple: Ask your senator or representative to make a one-minute floor speech opposing the FDA’s plan to sweep many supplements off the she
In another outrageous power-grab, FDA says your own stem cells are drugs—and stem cell therapy is interstate commerce because it affects the bottom line of FDA-approved drugs in other states!
Congress wants to limit your access to research—even though your tax dollars paid for it. If this bill passes, you’ll learn only what mainstream medicine wishes you to know. Action Alert!
The USDA’s food safety wing may come under control of the FDA. This will mean more power, wider scope—and greater corruption.
Statins are taken by one in four Americans over the age of 45, even though diet can fix high cholesterol quicker and more safely. Here’s new evidence of the drugs’ dangers.
Help us persuade Congress to reform the agency with our Action Alert!
A former ANH-USA board member joined with Michelle Obama to announce an exciting new program to help veterans with traumatic brain injuries
The Food and Drug Administration This agency has significant authority to regulate the dietary supplement industry, including (but not limited to) the authority to: Stop a company from selling any dietary supplement that is unsanitary or unsafe. Stop the sale of any dietary supplement that makes false or non-substantiated claims on its labeling Stop the […]
There are many questions about how the healthcare act will actually work, but complex regs just released seem likely to doom the very programs that help us pay for our integrative medical treatments. New Action Alert!