Wild Animals Have a Growing Drug Problem

Wild Animals Have a Growing Drug Problem

Drugs are often a danger to human health, but they are also destroying the environment. Action Alert! Many of us are aware of the dangers prescription drugs pose to human health through their side effects, but a new analysis raises the alarm about a problem that doesn’t typically receive a lot of attention: the contamination […]

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Animal Poop in Your Water?

Animal Poop in Your Water?

Don’t we have a right to at least some information? A recent court case offers mixed results for transparency on factory farms. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the American Farm Bureau Federation, and the National Pork Producers Council have been locked in litigation for years over the release, under the Freedom of Information Act, of […]

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Feds Side with CAFOs in Organic Poultry Rule

Feds Side with CAFOs in Organic Poultry Rule

The USDA’s new rule for organic poultry standards is a big win for industrialized farming. They need to do better. Action Alert! When you buy organic chicken, you may think you’re supporting farms that keep happy birds grazing freely in an open pasture. But thanks to the USDA and the industrialized farming operations they are […]

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Organic Chicken Fraud

Organic Chicken Fraud

While pretending to score a victory for real organic eggs and poultry, a new rule is just another gift to industrialized farms that are running regenerative farms out of business. Action Alert! The USDA’s rule, known as the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule, is being applauded by some because it would set standards for […]

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Are Eggs Healthy?

Are Eggs Healthy?

Sorting through the conflicting information on the health benefits of eggs. Are eggs a nutrient powerhouse or the ticket to heart disease? Decades of misinformation have confused the issue of whether eggs are healthy or not. The confusion centers on saturated fat and cholesterol. Government “experts” have, as far back as the 1960s, told Americans […]

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Can Fake Meat Save the Planet?

Can Fake Meat Save the Planet?

Will “alternative proteins” save the planet? Not so fast. An opinion piece in Civil Eats makes a convincingly argues that the enthusiasm behind “meatless meat” or “alternative proteins” must be checked, particularly when it comes to arguments regarding their benefit to the planet. According to Patrick Brown, the CEO of Impossible Foods, meat substitutes are […]

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Stop Fake Organic Milk!

Stop Fake Organic Milk!

Organic milk has a better nutrient profile and fewer contaminants than conventional milk, but loopholes are allowing fraudulent “organic” milk on the market. Action Alert! The fall meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) included a discussion of the Origin of Livestock rule, which has been in limbo since 2015. The rule attempts to […]

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