Time to Give Up Red Meat?

Time to Give Up Red Meat?

A new study elaborates the connection between red meat and cancer, but the story is much more complicated than the media lets on. The study, published in the journal Cancer Discovery, found specific patterns of DNA damage caused by diets high in red meat. The study elucidates how a high consumption of red meat damages […]

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CAFOs Kill 17,000 a Year

CAFOs Kill 17,000 a Year

…by emitting harmful pollutants in the air while the EPA does nothing. Action Alert! A new study has linked air pollution emanating from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to more than 17,000 deaths in the United States. Despite this death toll, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given CAFOs a pass on adherence to federal […]

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Fight for CAFO Alternatives

Fight for CAFO Alternatives

Alternatives to CAFO-raised meat are threatened—we must act now to ensure access to quality local meat. Action Alert! A bill being considered by Congress will expand access to safer, locally raised meat by loosening federal restrictions on how local meat gets processed. If we want safer alternatives to meat raised in CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding […]

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Feds Serving Up More Bad Diet Advice

Feds Serving Up More Bad Diet Advice

They are working on updating the recommended dietary guidelines for 2020-2025, and it seems the same falsehoods are persisting in the government’s report. Action Alert!  Every five years, the government undergoes a process to update its Dietary Guidelines for Americans. One of the initial phases of this process is a Scientific Report from an advisory committee that makes recommendations on certain matters. […]

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Victory: Ag-Gag Law Ruled Unconstitutional

Victory: Ag-Gag Law Ruled Unconstitutional

…this time it’s a thirty-year-old law in Kansas. State-based action alerts! A federal court in Kansas has ruled that the state’s “ag-gag” law is unconstitutional. The tide is indeed turning against these terrible laws, but there are still states where this legislation needs to be removed. Ag-gag laws refer to state legislation that prohibits documenting, […]

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Keep Organics GMO Free

Keep Organics GMO Free

Several important issues are coming before the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) this fall—let’s make sure industry interests don’t prevail. Action Alert! The NOSB will hold its fall 2019 meeting in late October. NOSB is the governing board created by Congress that reviews all synthetic and non-organic materials proposed by Big Ag before they can […]

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We Can No Longer Rely on Organic Standard

We Can No Longer Rely on Organic Standard

The USDA’s organics program has been taken over by corporate interests; it’s time to fight back. Action Alert! Consumers looking for clean, healthy food have for years turned to foods with the USDA’s organic seal. This seal is understood to mean that the food has been grown in accordance with organic principles—most importantly, that the farming […]

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The Hidden Costs of Local Meat

The Hidden Costs of Local Meat

Federal rules are making locally raised meat more expensive. There is an increasing demand for locally-raised meat as more and more Americans reject the products of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), where animals are kept in squalid conditions. What many Americans may not know, however, is that federal rules keep the price of locally-raised meat […]

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EPA Generates its Own Pollution

EPA Generates its Own Pollution

Courts reprimand agency for giving big companies a pass on animal waste. Following a recent court case, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) – more commonly known as factory farms or animal feeding lots – will have to report their air pollution emissions. Earlier this year, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declared illegal a 2008 […]

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Feds Eat Crow on Raw Milk Cheese

Feds Eat Crow on Raw Milk Cheese

A government study on raw milk cheese says it’s safe to eat. Will it be enough for the feds to call off the dogs on artisanal cheese producers? Action Alert! Last fall, we reported that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began accepting public comments that would assist the agency in minimizing the threat […]

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