Prevent Skin Cancer

Prevent Skin Cancer

Sunscreens don’t prevent skin cancer, diet and supplements do! Sun avoidance causes many more cancers than it prevents! At present, we all live on planet Earth, which circles a small star—the Sun—which shines on us very often when we’re outdoors (except here in Seattle and a few other places). Anthropologists and archaeologists have found that […]

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Vinegar for a Leaner, Healthier, Longer Life

Vinegar for a Leaner, Healthier, Longer Life

Research: Vinegar promotes weight loss and longevity Research: Vinegar lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar Berberine, quercetin, honokiol, ECGC, resveratrol, and probably butyrate promote longevity in the same way as vinegar Yes, that’s vinegar! Once again, when actually researched, it’s found that those humans who preceded us in life on our planet were just about […]

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Vinegar for a Leaner, Longer Life:  The Work of D.C. Jarvis, MD

Vinegar for a Leaner, Longer Life: The Work of D.C. Jarvis, MD

Effective Then, Effective Now: Jarvis, (a Vermont medical practitioner) details how to use vinegar for weight loss in 1958. Jarvis describes how “Vermont folk medicine has much to give to those . . . who prefer instead to plan to be strong, active and free from disease to the very end of their days.” In […]

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Aspartame—the World’s Best Ant Poison

Aspartame—the World’s Best Ant Poison

Chances are very good that you haven’t knowingly swallowed any aspartame (NutraSweet,® Equal,® Equal Spoonful,® Equal Measure®) for years or even decades. However, you may not yet be aware of a really good use for aspartame that originally published in the Idaho Observer in 2006.[1] In that Observer article—titled as above!—Jan Jensen describes the disappearance […]

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Feds Lobbying for Monsanto

Feds Lobbying for Monsanto

They already are, of course, but now they want to spend your dollars to propagandize you! Action Alert! Hidden within a large federal spending bill is a proposal for $3 million to go toward consumer education and outreach to “promote understanding and acceptance of agricultural biotechnology”—a campaign to be carried out jointly by the FDA […]

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Fighting for Naturopaths

Fighting for Naturopaths

Discrimination against well-trained naturopathic doctors is rampant. We need your help to stop it. State-based Action Alert! Recently an association of four-year trained naturopathic doctors (NDs) in Oregon brought a class action lawsuit against an insurance provider. They allege that the insurance company conducted unlawful and discriminatory practices by arbitrarily denying payments for primary care services […]

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CDC Whistleblower Backtracking?

CDC Whistleblower Backtracking?

The scientist who blew the lid on the CDC’s cover-up of the connection between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism may be changing his story. Did someone get to him? In 2014, Dr. William Thompson, a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) contacted Dr. Brian Hooker of Focus for […]

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Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?

Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?

April 19, 2016 Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the world’s most widely used herbicide, its use being largely associated with crops genetically modified to be resistant to it. Increasing numbers of scientific studies are demonstrating that glyphosate residues are now ubiquitous in the environment and may be common in foods. In 2015, the World […]

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