Natural GMOs???

Natural GMOs???

The FDA is currently taking comments on rules related to use of the word “natural” on food labels. One issue they are considering is whether to label GMOs as natural. Huh?

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Ban New Green Products?

Ban New Green Products?

Not directly, but indirectly this is just what an out-of-control Federal Trade Commission is doing. In the process, it is rejecting science and making new rules illegally. Action Alert! A recent FTC ruling on biodegradable plastics could put a chill on any environmentally friendly new product. ECM Biofilms, a company that produces additives for plastic […]

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Are GMOs a “Natural” Food?

Are GMOs a “Natural” Food?

The FDA may think so. Action Alert! Last week, the FDA announced that it would be accepting public input on how—or whether—to define the term “natural” on food labels. This action came about as a result of a number of petitions filed by the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) and Consumers Union. The GMA asked the […]

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Are Cardiologists Dangerous?

Are Cardiologists Dangerous?

Here is another reason to be wary. A friend of one of our staff members went for a physical. The doctor found a “heart flutter,” a mild form of arrhythmia or irregularity of the heartbeat. He was referred to a cardiologist who immediately scheduled him for a catheterization procedure. This means an operation in which […]

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Action Alert: Will FDA Define “Natural”?

Action Alert: Will FDA Define “Natural”?

Related article: Are GMOs a “Natural” Food? Trouble Taking Action? Click here. [advanced_iframe securitykey=”6e57147c0272690f2f93432c343c720bbd534446″ src=”″ id=”iframe2724″ name=”iframe2724″ width=”100%” height=”1500″ ]

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Action Alert: FTC Outlaws Green Product

Action Alert: FTC Outlaws Green Product

Related article: Ban New Green Products? Trouble Taking Action? Click here. [advanced_iframe securitykey=”6e57147c0272690f2f93432c343c720bbd534446″ src=”″ id=”iframe2721″ name=”iframe2721″ width=”100%” height=”1500″ ]

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Say Goodbye to Medical Curcumin!

Say Goodbye to Medical Curcumin!

The FDA continues its war on the compounding of custom medications by eliminating even more dietary ingredients. Action Alert!  Curcumin is the most important ingredient of the Indian herb turmeric. You probably have it in your kitchen as a yellow spice. From a health standpoint, this herb is a miracle. It is tremendously anti-inflammatory and […]

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Stop Crony Nutritionists’ Power Grab

Stop Crony Nutritionists’ Power Grab

Together we can put an end to these monopolies. State-based Action Alerts! In recent years we have made a lot of progress working together to protect free speech and ensure an open marketplace for qualified nutrition professionals. We have now sent letters to legislators in over a dozen states, warning them that their restrictive nutrition […]

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