Is the New Attack on Brain Health Supplements Putting Thousands of Other Supplements at Risk?

Is the New Attack on Brain Health Supplements Putting Thousands of Other Supplements at Risk?

There are plenty of reason to wonder. Action Alerts! As we revealed in our related story, the attack on picamilon (a safe supplement combining the natural substances GABA and vitamin B3) spearheaded by the attorney general of Oregon, with the assistance of Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), has likely been orchestrated by the US Food and Drug […]

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“Resistant” Head Lice in Children Increasingly Hard to Kill

“Resistant” Head Lice in Children Increasingly Hard to Kill

New research shows that lice in at least twenty-five states have become resistant to conventional, over-the-counter medications, just as kids go back to school this fall. When the first lice treatment doesn’t work, parents are shampooing their children again and again. This is particularly dangerous considering how toxic the conventional treatments for head lice can […]

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New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

An article in the current British Medical Journal explains why the link is stronger than previously thought. Action Alert! ANH-USA has researched dozens of the most high-profile cases of violent crimes over the last few decades. We found that in just under half of the cases (eleven out of twenty-three), the perpetrator was documented to be […]

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