Natural Health News Briefs: September 29, 2015

Natural Health News Briefs: September 29, 2015

Statins Age You Faster?—New Study A recently published study in the American Journal of Physiology has shown that statins—anti-cholesterol drugs—are disrupting our stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to create different kinds of cells (such as skin, muscle, or bone cells). They are central to the body’s ability to heal […]

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Is Raw Milk Cheese About To Get The Axe?

Is Raw Milk Cheese About To Get The Axe?

Help us protect the best tasting and healthiest cheese from a spurious new FDA attack. Action Alert! George W. Bush’s FDA banned the import of the finest French artisanal cheeses, which are usually made from raw milk that has been cultured with special bacteria, and then aged, which makes it even safer. This ban just happened […]

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Think You’re Buying Raw Milk Cheese? Maybe Not.

Think You’re Buying Raw Milk Cheese? Maybe Not.

Some raw milk cheese you’re buying from large companies in the US may be falsely labeled. It isn’t raw at all—it’s been “subpasteurized”! The Healthy Home Economist, a website run by Sarah Pope, recently ran a fascinating article detailing how large health food companies are tricking consumers into thinking they’re buying real raw milk cheese […]

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Whom Do You Trust? Mom Bloggers? Scientists?

Whom Do You Trust? Mom Bloggers? Scientists?

Unfortunately, the information you get from either group may be paid for by Monsanto. Action Alert! Major news outlets reported this week that emails released through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests prove for certain what many of us already knew: Monsanto has enlisted “independent” scientists to deliver their messaging for them, in an effort […]

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Bioidentical Hormones Threatened

Bioidentical Hormones Threatened

Will the FDA allow massive drug companies to eliminate your access to compounded bioidentical hormones? Action Alerts! Recently, the FDA released a list of nominations to its “Demonstrably Difficult to Compound” (DDC) list. This list derives from section 503A of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. It is supposed to identify drugs that cannot safely […]

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Crony Dentistry Once Again Puts Children at Risk

Crony Dentistry Once Again Puts Children at Risk

Medical device companies appear to be trying to buy dentists, exposing children to high levels of unnecessary radiation. The New York Times ran a story a few years ago illustrating the extent to which cronyism (showing partiality to long-standing friends for mutual financial benefit, rather than following good science) determines medical care—in this instance, dental […]

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ANH Responds to NIH Omega 3 Study

ANH Responds to NIH Omega 3 Study

The National Institute of Health (NIH) recently released a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) claiming that Omega 3 supplements “showed no benefits for cognitive decline. This conclusion was reached using terribly flawed data. The Alliance for Natural Health USA issued a rebuttal, based on the analysis of our Council of […]

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