Flawed Testosterone Analysis Spurs Misleading Media Headlines

Flawed Testosterone Analysis Spurs Misleading Media Headlines

By Blake Gossard, Kira Schmid, ND, Luke Huber, ND, MBA, Steven V. Joyal, MD The age-related decline of men’s testosterone levels is inevitable. Unless aging men replace their diminishing testosterone, they could succumb to any of the numerous health problems linked to low testosterone levels: frailty, muscle loss, weight gain, impaired cognition, fatigue, loss of […]

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Federally-Funded Analysis Attempts to Undermine Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Federally-Funded Analysis Attempts to Undermine Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

By Blake Gossard, Kira Schmid, ND, Luke Huber, ND, MBA, Steven V. Joyal, MD Readers of Life Extension Magazine® are well aware of the recent track record of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). In May 2012, this taxpayer-funded group recommended that men avoid life-saving PSA blood tests. In the December 2012 issue of Life Extension, the fundamental flaws that drove this ill-advised proposition […]

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AND Faces Harsh Criticism

AND Faces Harsh Criticism

FACT: National conferences harshly criticized by nutrition leaders and media. The ADA’s recent Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo has been lambasted by media and nutrition leaders as a “corporate takeover by Big Food.” “Is the American Dietetic Association Attempting to Limit Market Competition in Nutrition Counseling?Forbes.com(2012) Michael Ellsberg. “Pesticides Are Good for You, Big […]

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Controversial Diet Pill Featured At Conference

Controversial Diet Pill Featured At Conference

FACT: The AND allows pharmaceutical companies to market their controversial products at AND events. At the 2007 ADA Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, GlaxoSmithKline was allowed to promote their first over-the-counter diet pill, Alli, even though the drug’s weight loss effectiveness is minimal and side effects such as hard-to-control bowel movements and anal discharge […]

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AND Offers Professional Courses By Coke

AND Offers Professional Courses By Coke

FACT: The credentialing arm of the AND, the Commission on Dietetic Registration, offers continuing professional courses sponsored by Coca-Cola. Source: http://www.beverageinstitute.org/en_US/pages/webinar-childrensdietary-cpe.html
Source: http://www.cdrnet.org/applications/cpe/ViewProgDetails.cfm?ProgramID=098934&CFID=6258787&CFToken=79947137

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AND Bankrolled By Junk Food

AND Bankrolled By Junk Food

FACT: The AND receives payments from Coca-Cola, Hershey, the National Dairy Council, Mars, PepsiCo, and others. The ADA won’t say exactly how much they receive from these companies and industry associations.
 Sources: http://www.eatright.org/corporatesponsors

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