FDA May Be Preparing Attack on Homeopathy

FDA May Be Preparing Attack on Homeopathy

The time to stop this is now, before it gains momentum! Action Alert! The FDA is holding a public hearing later this month to evaluate its enforcement policies for homeopathic drug products. It says the agency is seeking input on whether and how to adjust the policy to adjust for changes that may have occurred over the past […]

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Are We Ignoring the Next Pandemic Risk by Focusing on Measles?

Are We Ignoring the Next Pandemic Risk by Focusing on Measles?

While policymakers and many in the scientific community are worried about measles, a deadlier threat from drug-resistant diseases like tuberculosis lurks on the horizon. Action Alert! The measles outbreak in California has unleashed a storm of heated debate across the country, including multiple calls for mandatory vaccinations at both the federal and state level. What is the extent of this […]

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Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon

Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon

A new bill to let food producers decide whether to label GMOs could prevent states from passing mandatory labeling laws. It’s expected to be introduced in the next few weeks—so we need to dissuade potential co-sponsors now! Action Alert! At the behest of the Monsantos and Cargills of the world, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) is expected […]

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GMO Roundup

GMO Roundup

The GMO labeling issue is seeing some action on Capitol Hill. Maybe that’s because GMOs are in the news across the country. Here are some of the stories you may have missed. Monsanto Settles with US Wheat Farmers Monsanto has settled class-action lawsuits with farmers in seven states over 2013 contamination from their genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” […]

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NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack

NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack

Having made his initial move based on discredited tests, he is now broadening the offensive and pulling in AGs from other states. Action Alert! Early last month, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to four major national chain retailers, charging them with selling nutritional supplements that were “deliberately mislabeled” and “potentially dangerous to […]

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