A New Diet Pill Hits the Market
Lose very little weight, and gain lots of nasty side effects!
Lose very little weight, and gain lots of nasty side effects!
One of the most prominent testing laboratories does not appear to us to be either independent or impartial.
Court tells FTC to stop censoring truthful science that food product has health benefits.
You would think the FDA would obey a judge’s ruling on qualified health claims. Think again.
Can’t get what you want by legitimate means? Just try an end-run around the system!
A court has stopped FDA’s latest attempt to censor food and supplement science. Action Alert!
But now we know that “low serotonin”—which is what SSRI’s “fix”—doesn’t even cause depression! Action Alert
The FDA had previously rejected this very same drug for safety reasons. So how do they explain the sudden flip-flop?
Splenda Essentials pretend to be health-supporting, when in fact they seem to have more in common with pesticides than with sugar.
A former ANH-USA board member joined with Michelle Obama to announce an exciting new program to help veterans with traumatic brain injuries