Why Would a Young Person Start Shooting in School?
Prozac and other SSRIs kill kids—and not just from suicide. A judge now agrees. New Action Alert!
Prozac and other SSRIs kill kids—and not just from suicide. A judge now agrees. New Action Alert!
So why does the government keep blocking its use?
Forget the embarrassment of your private parts being seen by strangers. The scanners can cause cancer—and TSA is trying to keep you from knowing about it.
FDA’s prescription for bone health and osteoporosis has been shown to make bones far more fragile in the long term, and may even cause jaw death and esophageal cancer.
They no longer need evidence that a product is harmful. Just a suspicion that there’s an error in the paperwork.
“Vitamin D Warning!” says MSNBC. “High Vitamin D Levels Linked to Serious Heart Condition” says Fox. What’s behind those terrifying headlines?
Want foster kids to behave? Give them harsh tranquilizers developed for schizophrenic patients!
Increasingly, breast cancer fundraising means playing ball with companies whose products actually cause cancer.
New info about last week’s horribly flawed vitamin study. This story keeps getting worse and worse. A new Action Alert!
Worry?—no. Supplements have a remarkable record of safety. Give it careful thought—yes. Here are some things to consider.