ANH Responds to NIH Omega 3 Study

ANH Responds to NIH Omega 3 Study

The National Institute of Health (NIH) recently released a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) claiming that Omega 3 supplements “showed no benefits for cognitive decline. This conclusion was reached using terribly flawed data. The Alliance for Natural Health USA issued a rebuttal, based on the analysis of our Council of […]

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Ag-Gag Law Struck Down in Idaho

Ag-Gag Law Struck Down in Idaho

Armed with this precedent, it’s time to roll these anti-consumer laws back in other states. State-based Action Alert! Recently, a judge in the federal District Court for Idaho ruled that the state’s so-called “ag-gag” law was unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds. Idaho’s bill was signed into law last year and, like similar ag-gag laws in […]

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Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Crony science is on full display in the new partnership between the giant beverage company and a nonprofit looking to exonerate junk food in the obesity debate. The New York Times reports that Coca-Cola is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit organization that is trying to promote a peculiar solution to the obesity crisis. […]

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FDA On Sugar: Not So Sweet

FDA On Sugar: Not So Sweet

The agency reverses itself—and capitulates to the sugar lobby. Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced a proposal to include a daily recommended value (DRV) for added sugars on the Nutrition Facts label of packaged foods and dietary supplements. The “added sugars” designation has nothing to do with the amount of sugar that already occurs naturally […]

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Will Big Food Control Nutrition “Science?”

Will Big Food Control Nutrition “Science?”

A new report details how Big Food appears to have captured yet another key nutrition group, the American Society of Nutrition. Action Alert! You may remember that a few weeks back we reported on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ (AND) ill-fated partnership with Kraft Foods. Kraft was permitted to place the AND’s “Kids Eat […]

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ANH-USA Takes the Initiative against Monopolistic Dietetics Boards

ANH-USA Takes the Initiative against Monopolistic Dietetics Boards

With your help, we can stop them from gagging free speech about nutrition. ANH-USA has identified seventeen states with the most monopolistic scope-of-practice laws, and has sent letters to those states’ dietetic boards, their attorneys general, and key policymakers warning them that they are vulnerable to federal felony prosecution and civil damages under antitrust law […]

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